All The Mercs - Connecting Dream

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It was another stormy, snowy night and all the mercs had fallen asleep in the living room, spy was sleeping on the one couch while heavy was sleeping on the other, pyro was by the fireplace asleep, soldier was sleeping by the window with engie next to him, scout sleeping on a single chair couch,  demo lying at the back of the room and sniper and medic were sleeping on the floor with medic sleeping on snipers chest, as they were sleep strange glitter came out of nowhere and sprinkle in all there faces and then the sandmann appeared
"this is what you get for killing my uncle" the sandmann says (his uncle is old nick) an he disappears again
all the mercs were starting to have dreams and we jump into scout's dream, scout was dreaming that he was covered with girls and he is happy, in soldier's dream he was the general of an army he made up called the raccoon army and he was happy, in pyro's dream he was with his balloonicorn, dancing, singing and he was happy, in demoman's dream he was in the world champion drinking contest, he was drinkig all the alcohol and he was happy, in heavy's dream he was having a picnic with sasha, they were eating sandwiches and he was happy, in engie's dream he just built the future of technology, he built a hover dispenser which can fly around and heal the teammate without moving it all the time, engie was happy, in medic's dream he was playing god, he made a super human and he was happy, he was so happy the he hugged the super human causing his real self to hug sniper, in sniper's dream he was in the outback watching the world go by and he was happy, lastly in spy's dream he was loved by all, all the woman would gather around him and say how handsome he is, he was happy
then the dreams started turning, the girls in scouts and spy dream walked away from them, all the army men from soldiers dream walk away from him while he was giving orders, everything went dark and gloomy in pyros dream, demoman lost the drinking contest, heavy lost sasha and it went all dark, medic monster went hostile and engie hover dispenser goes wild, the only one that wasn't bad was sniper since he didn't have anything to be scared of in his dream, medic was running from his hostile super human when he ended up in snipers dream
"where am i?" medic says "looks like i'm not in the lab anymore"
"hey doc" sniper says walking over to medic
"sniper?" medic says
"g'day" sniper replies waving at medic
"where are we?" medic asks
"in the outback, my house is over there" sniper says pointing at his house
"strange, i was in my lab earlier then-" medic says before he hears footsteps behind him, he turns around and sees his super human
"umm...doc...what's that" sniper says
"no time to explain we need to run" medic say, he grabs snipers hand and both of them run into snipers house
meanwhile soldier was walking away and moping when he bumps into engie
"soldier?!" engie says
"engie!" soldier replies
"what are you doing here" engie asks
"well i was command my new army" soldier says "but now i'"
"this is my workshop but i have no-" engie says before being cut off "uhhhh"
"what?" soldier says before turn around, in front of them was a hostile raccoon with a blue sentry attached to its back
"RUN!" soldier shout and they leg it
in scout's dream, he was trying to catch the girls when he was suddenly in a field
"where is it? this isn't..." scout says, he then sees heavy moping "tough guy!?"
"scout!" heavy said surprised
"what's happening here!" scout said
"i do not know but i do know that i can't find sasha" heavy says
"sasha is fine" scout says then all the girls in scout dream appear but they are all zombies with rabies
"hey...ladies" scout says "tough guy we need to move.. Now!" scout says and he tugs on heavy's arm, heavy and scout run as fast as they could
in pyros dream, he is wondering alone to see if he can find the balloonicorn when he stumbles into what looks like scotland, he then finds demoman
"hey lad" demo says sounding sad
mumbles from pyro
"i lost a drinking contest and it was the most important one" demo said
pyro was mid mumbling something when pyro and demo got distracted by balloonicorn but he's holding a chainsaw, pyro panics and picks up demo who is still moping
back with scout and heavy, they were running till they found themselves in a fancy restraint, they look around and then they notice spy
"spy!" scout shout gaining spy's attention
"scout! heavy! what are you 2 doing here?" spy says
"no time to explain, they are zombie ladies after us with rabies" scout says and as he said that the zombie ladies appear
"RUN!!" scout says and all of them run for it
back with sniper and medic, they managed to get to the house and board up the house
"that should keep it out for the moment" sniper says
"i don't know why it went hostile, i didn't even say for it to go hostile" medic says trying to catch his breath
" did you get here again?" sniper asks
"well i was running down my lab corridor then i ended up here" medic says "why you ask?"
"i think...this is a dream" sniper says "a connected dream"
"how do you know?" medic says
" this" sniper says, he snaps his fingers and an apple appears
"let me try" medic says, he snaps his fingers and archimedes appears
"see" sniper says "now lets try snapping that monster away"
both sniper and medic snap their fingers and the super human disappears, they went back outside after taking the boards off the door and it was sunny again
"how did you figure out it was a dream?" medic asks
"well first you act real, dream character act more strange and second, as we got in the house i felt someone hugging me but you were catching your breath" sniper says "and then i remembered that when we falling asleep, you rolled over onto me and you real body was hugging me after being scared" medic blushed a little
"when did you become the smart one?" medic asks
"dreams my dear medic" sniper says acting like sherlock homes
medic couldn't help but laugh and sniper laughed with him
"i just remembered, what happens in a dream stays in the dream right?" medic says
"yeah what you got in mind?" sniper replies
"well...this" medic says and he was about to do something when soldier and engie appeared with the rabid raccoon with the sentry attached to it back appeared, scout, heavy and spy appeared with the zombie ladies after them and pyro with demo appeared with the balloonicorn wilding a chainsaw appeared
they went over to sniper and medic and huddled together, sniper and medic knew what to do and they snapped their fingers, the monster were about to attack when they disappeared, everyone look confused on how sniper and medic did that
"how did you do that?" engie asks standing up with everyone else
"we are having a connected dream" medic says
"a connected dream?" scout says
"yeah we are all dreaming" sniper says "watch this" he snapped his fingers and a cupcake appears
"CUPCAKE!" soldier shouts and takes the cupcake from sniper's hands
"let me try" scout says, he snaps his fingers and a can of bonk appeared, he then drink the bonk and all of a sudden, he grows wings on his back
"oh hell yeah" scout says and he flies into the sky
soldier snaps his fingers and a bucket appears
"this is mine now" soldier says and runs off a few metres away
pyro tried to snap his fingers but his gloves prevented him from doing it so he sighed
demo snapped his fingers and a big bottle of scrumpy appeared
"whoohoo" demo said and started chugging doing the scrumpy
heavy snapped his fingers and sasha appeared
"sasha! i missed you" heavy said and he hugged sasha
engie snapped his fingers and a pile of blueprint of things he never of before appear
"this is going to be fun" engie said starting to read the blueprints
spy snapped his fingers and a hot girl appeared and this also catches scout's attention
"hey hot stuff" scout says flying over to the hot girl
"scout she's mind get your own" spy says and runs off, scout chases them and then he remembered miss pauling so he stopped chasing them, he snapped his fingers and miss pauling appeared
"hey scoutie" miss pauling said
scout was in love, he went over to miss pauling
"hey miss p, you looking so beautiful today, did you do something to your hair" scout says
miss pauling couldn't control herself and give scout a deep kiss, scout was surprised at first then he enjoyed it but then everything that the mercs spawned went away and the sandmann appeared
"aren't we a clever bunch" the sandmann says "but i won't stand for it"
"who are you?" scout says
"i'm the sandmann and some of you might remember my uncle, old nick" the sandmann says and then scout, soldier and spy remember "this is for what you done to him" the sandmann snaps his fingers and the monsters reappear, everyone tries to snap their fingers to get rid of them but they won't go away
"what do we do now?" scout says
strangely when sniper and medic snap their fingers their weapons appear
"how did you do that? i made everyone useless" the sandmann shouts
sniper and medic were surprised that they could still do this but then remembered something
"cause this is our dream and we can do what we want" sniper and medic says, medic gives sniper an ubercharge and sniper shoots his rifle, the bullet hit the sandmann in the heart killing in instantly "wanka" "dummkopf"
"you did it" scout cheers and everyone was happy for them "now lets mess around till we have to wake up"
scout made miss pauling appear again, soldier was talking to an army of tiny army men, engie helped pyro have his balloonicorn, demo had his big bottle of scrumpy back, heavy was having his picnic with sasha, engie built his hover dispenser and spy had a hot girl with him, sniper and medic were watching the others mess around
"you know" sniper says "you never showed me what you were gonna do before the others appeared"
"i didn't did i" medic replies "well let me show you now" medic snapped his fingers but nothing happened
"is your finger brok-" sniper says and he was cut off by a hug and a kiss from medic 
it was starting to grow white around them and all the other mercs were starting to disappear by turning into yellow dust and flying into the sky, they were starting to wake up and the last 2 to disappear were sniper and medic, medic and sniper turned into dust together and flew into the sky, they woke up and looked around to see everyone confused about what happened like they just had a hang over but they remember everything, medic got off sniper and sniper sat up, they looked at each other and smiled with a blush on their cheeks before getting up and start the day
The End

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