BushMedicine - Bad Nightmare

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it was bedtime in the red mercs base and everyone headed to bed, everyone was sleeping in their beds even sniper and medic, sniper was sleeping on his right side, hugging his favourite cute koala teddy and snoring lightly while medic was curled up cuddling his dove teddy and was fast asleep, then half way in the night medic start twiching and turning
(in medic's dream)
Medic was healing a heavy in the 2fort spawn room when everyone except sniper turns on him, they were shouting on how bad of a medic he was and how he healed one person but not the other, medic covers his ears and runs out of spawn, he then bumps into a big robot heavy and the robot heavy picks him up
"nien, put me down" medic shouts but the robot wouldn't
the robot then shakes medic about and throws him on the ground
(meanwhile out the dream)
sniper was fast asleep when he heard a scream, he leans up and looks around he then notices medic tossing and turning, medic then screams again and sniper walks over to medics bed, he then shakes medic
"doc" sniper says shaking medic but he was still asleep
sniper then started to walk back to his bed since he couldn't really do anything but then medic grabs his arm, sniper jumps and looks at medic and medic was still asleep with a worried look on his face, sniper smiled and decides to sleep with medic so he gets in medic bed which is quite a big bed, he settles down and as he was doing that medic cuddles him tightly, sniper looks at medic and smiles before going to sleep again
(back to the dream)
medic was trying desperately to get away from the robot heavy but the robot manages to grab medic again, the robot opened its mouth and was going eat medic, as medic was about to be eaten a bang goes off and robot collapse to the floor, medic falls with the robot and medic crawls out of the robots hand, he stand up, looks around and he sees sniper holding his rifle, sniper tilts his hat and medic runs up to him to give him a hug
"danke sniper, your my hero" medic says while hugging sniper (this is when medic hugs sniper out of the dream)
"it's alrought love" sniper says "i will protect you"
"what?" medic says before sniper kissed him
medic wanted to kiss back but the dream ended but he was still asleep, though the night medic was still hugging sniper but his head went on sniper's chest and sniper was lying on his back, sniper and medic didn't wake till it was 9 in the morning since it was ceasefire day, medic was the first one awake and when he sees he was lying on sniper he blushes a bit, he then lies back on sniper's chest and the heartbeat of sniper made medic curl up a little, medic then ends up shutting his eyes and has a nap, sniper wakes up an hour later and when he sees medic on his chest, he smiles and puts his hand on medics hip, medic turns to face sniper and he wakes up a little
"hello sniper" medic mumbles
"hi doc" sniper replies "did you sleep well, last night you were twitching and turning like you were having a bad dream" and he sits up
"i was having a bad dream" medic says sitting up too "but you got rid of it and i thank you for that"
"what did i do?" sniper says curiously
medic explains the dream to sniper
"that's a strange dream you had" sniper says "but i'm glad i could help get rid of it" and sniper smiles a cute smile
medic then leans into sniper and kisses him, sniper kisses back and then medic moves away
"my dream ended with you about to kiss me and well... i wanted to finish it" medic says blushing a little
sniper blushes back and then lies back down
"well i'm staying in bed all day since it's ceasefire day, what're you up to?"
"i'm...going to lie in bed too" medic says and he lies back on snipers chest "you make a comfy pillow"
sniper smiles and then strokes medics hair with his knuckle
"and you got really fluffy hair" sniper says
medic smiles and closes his eyes, sniper smiles and closes his eyes also, they both spent the rest of the day sleeping and chilling with each other.
the end

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