Scout-Heavy Bromance - Couch Nap

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It has been a long day battling and now all the mercs were tired except scout who was jumping around, he was chatting away about how fun the battle was and he was so happy
"today's battle was awesome" scout says "we won all the matches"
"lettle scout needs to calm down" heavy says
"no man" scout says "this battle today was to cool to let go"
everyone moaned and they headed inside the base, a while later everyone was in the living room doing their own thing, scout was still going on about the battle, soldier was talking to engie about their date, pyro was the one being talked at by scout, demo was drunk again, heavy was asleep on one of the couches, sniper and medic were sleeping and cuddling each other on the other couch and spy was in his smoking room, a little later pyro had enough of scout's story and he went to bed leaving scout with his eyes closed still talking
"so i whacked that spy on the head with my baseball bat" scout says "and i went...pyro?..."
scout looked around to see pyro was gone
"aww i don't need him anyway" scout says acting stubborn
he then looks at heavy, sniper and medic who were all sleeping on the couch and this made scout relise how sleepy he was, he yawned and he looks for somewhere to sleep, he then decided to sleep on heavy since he looks like a pillow so scout walks over to him and climbs on him, heavy wakes up to see scout sleeping on him and he smiles
"does lettle scout think heavy is comfy?" heavy asked
"...yeah man" scout says getting comfy "you make a good pillow to sleep on"
heavy smiles again and he holds onto scout, scout then puts his head under heavy's chin and he closes his eyes, after a few mintues both of them were fast asleep with scout having his limbs in different places and heavy holding on to scout so he doesn't fall off, they slept thought the whole night and in the next morning sniper was the first person to wake up, he stretches, kisses medic on the head and then he sees scout sleeping on heavy
"hey doc" sniper says to medic "look at this"
"what" medic says sleepily then he opens his eyes to see scout and heavy "aww! that's cute"
"yeah" sniper says "i told you that scout and heavy are brothers"
"you sure did" medic says and he smiles at sniper
sniper smiles back then they kissed, after the kiss they decided since it was the weekend to go back to sleep again so they can relax on a saturday morning and get up when they feel like it.
The End

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