BushMedicine - Scared

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(This is 2 different stories on how sniper and medic do when they are scared, first is sniper's story then medic's story and sniper is scared of clowns and medic has a fear of mannequins)
One day sniper was sniping in his sniping spot when he sees a pyro on the blu team wearing a clown outfit and it really scared him, then he sees some of the other blu team wearing clown outfits (this was in his mind and nobody else was wearing a clown outfit) and he hides in the corner, after the battle everyone was going to the base and medic was walking with heavy when he notice someone was missing, he looks around and sees that it was sniper that was missing
"what's wrong doktor?" heavy asked when medic stopped
"...i'll be right back" medic says and he runs off leaving heavy confused
medic heads to sniper's sniping spot and opens the door, when he looks in he sees sniper in a ball and he was really scared in the corner
"sniper..." medic says walking in the room "are you alright?"
sniper looks up at medic looking upset and scared
"m...me...dic" sniper could only say
"what's the matter liebe?" medic says kneeling to sniper and cuddles him
"i...i...saw...something...scary" sniper says and he puts his head on medic's chest
"what did you see?" medic says confused
"a...a clown" sniper says and he cries a little
"shh...it's ok" medic says comferting sniper and stroking his hair "come lets go to my room" and medic picks up sniper bridal styal and carries him to medic's room
when they get there, medic puts sniper on his bed and lies next to him, sniper was still in his ball and he cuddles medic while medic was calming him down
"shhh....shhh it's ok now" medic kept saying and stroking sniper's hair calming him down
after a while sniper ended up falling asleep hugging medic and medic kissed sniper on the forehead before falling asleep too.
One day medic was in his infirmary at his desk working with sniper next to him when scout comes in with a mannequin in his arms
"hey doc" scout says walking in
medic looks at scout then he realises what he was holding and he stands up quickly, sniper looks at medic confused and medic had a really scared face
"what's wrong doc?" sniper asked
medic could only make noises and he points at the mannequin scout was holding
"the doc is scared of mannequin?" scout says "cool now i have something to scare him with"
"scout! don't you dare" sniper says defending medic "now take that outta here"
"ok jeezs" scout says and leaves the infirmary
"it's ok doc, it's gone now" sniper says looking at medic
medic was still shaken up so sniper gets up and hugs medic
"is...is it gone?" medic says in sniper's vest
"yeah...i told scout to take it away" sniper replies
medic smiles but he was still shaken up so sniper takes him to the hospital bed and lies him down, sniper then hugs medic close and medic felt safer, after a while medic felt better but he was really worried it will come back so for the rest of the day he held onto sniper's hand and pulled him around, sniper didn't mind since medic felt comfy doing this and it was medics way of making sniper a safety blanket, after being dragged around all day by medic, sniper heads to bed in his and medic's bed and both him and medic fell asleep with medic hugging sniper.
The End 😋

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