Helmet Party - The Hunter and The WereWolf

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Soldier was a pro hunter, he gave himself the job after his parents were killed by a zombie and he's been doing it ever since killing monsters and aliens, one day he was called to kill a werewolf so he went on his adventure, he didn't really know where he was going since they didn't give him a location but he carried on anyway, as he was walking he all of a sudden got attacked by a bear and he fought the bear, the bear managed to die but not before giving soldier a big deep scratch to his chest, soldier falls to the ground in pain and before he passes out he sees someone walking up to him.
He wakes up in a bed still in pain but he could still sit up
"oh i see your awake partner" a voice says going over to soldier "i saw you fight that bear and that bear gave you a real beating but i patched you up"
soldier looks around the room and it was a little cottage, the cottage was a medium sized and soldier was in a room that looked like a spare room
"my name is dell by the way but you can call me engie" engie says and smiles
"i'm...jane...but you can call me soldier" soldier replies "umm...have you seen any monsters around like werewolves or zombies?"
"...no i haven't why you ask?" engie says kinda lying
"i'm a hunter and i was called to kill a werewolf that been killing a lot of cattle in a area but i got lost" soldier explained
"oh i see well it looks like you can't go hunting at the moment cause of that bear attack but you can stay here till you get better" engie say 
"thank you engie" soldier says and smiles
"would you like something to eat or drink?" engie ask standing up
"umm... a drink of water please" soldier says
"ok partner" engie says and he leaves the room
soldier then tries to stand up but he was in so much pain to move so he sits back down on the bed again, engie then came back in the room with a glass of water
"here you go partner" engie says and puts the glass of water on the bedside table
"thanks engie" soldier says and takes a drink
after the drink engie sits by soldier and they talk for a while about things so they get to know each other better, after a bit it was night so soldier starts feeling tired and he goes to sleep with engie leaves him be, engie goes to his kitchen to sort out food then he realises it was a full moon tonight so he panics and then the jpains starts coming, he starts turning and then he was a werewolf, he heads out the cottage and goes on a cattle spree, while he was doing that soldier was still fast asleep in his bed and he didn't wake up till the next morning, when he woke up he felt a little better then yesterday and he could stand up, he went to the kitchen to see engie who looked really tired and he was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a coffee
"oh hello soldier" engie says "didn't hear you wake up, how you feeling?"
"morning engie" soldier says "i feel better then yesterday and i'm not in pain anymore" soldier says
"good" engie says and take a sip of his coffee
"you look tired" soldier says "didn't you go to sleep last night?" soldier says concerned
"no" engie says "i was...busy...protecting the house...from the werewolf" he lied
"oh i see" soldier says and goes over to engie "well you go to sleep and i keep an eye on the for you as a thank you for saving me" and he smiles
"thanks soldier" engie says smiling back "well good night" and engie heads to his room
soldier smiles as he watches engie go to his room then he sits at the kitchen table, soldier watched the house for engie while engie was asleep and after a few hours engie woke up again, he gets up and heads to the kitchen where soldier was chilling
"hey engie, did you have a good sleep?" soldier says seeing engie
"yeah, thanks for looking after the house for me" engie says and sits down next to soldier
"yeah no problem" soldier says and smiles
soldier and engie talked for a while to get to know each other better then by the time they had nothing else to talk about it was night time so soldier went to bed and engie went to bed too since he only turns into a werewolf once full moon a month (so he thought) and the moon was a little covered up so he had a good sleep, a few days later soldier wounds healed and he was about to leave engie to carry on with his adventure for the werewolf but for some reason he didn't want to leave engie, they got to know each other really well to the point where love was popping up in their heads but they denied it so soldier decided to stay with engie just for a little longer and engie didn't mind
during the stay soldier didn't know that engie was a werewolf till one night, soldier got woken up cause he needed to go to the toilet and after he went to the toilet he notices engie's door slightly open when he has his door closed
"engie" soldier says going near the door "are you asleep" and soldier opens the door
he sees that engie wasn't in his bed so he goes and looks for him, after a look around the cottage engie couldn't be found and this was making soldier worry, he then hears a howl from a werewolf and soldier grabs his werewolf stuff, he head outside to see the werewolf standing in front of him and he holds up his knife, the werewolf steps back then spoke
"soldier" the werewolf says "its me, engie"
"...engie?" soldier says and lowers his knife "you didn't tell me your were the werewolf"
"well i didn't want you to kill me" engie says
both soldier and engie go silent and then engie's werewolf instincts kick in and he runs off
"engie! wait!" soldier shouts but engie was to far away to hear
soldier sighs and heads back in the cottage to think on what to do, the next morning soldier fell asleep at the kitchen table and engie returns to the cottage, he sees soldier asleep at the table and decided to wake him up
"hey solly" engie says shaking soldier
"ahh what what" soldier says waking up and looking around
"calm down solly, it's me" engie says and this calm soldier down a little
"oh..." soldier says
"what you doing sleeping at the table, i thought you went back to bed after..." engie says and he gets shy "you saw...my werewolf form"
"i didn't since i was trying to think on how to cure you" soldier says
"cure me?!" engie said suprised
"yes i want to cure you" soldier says "make you stay human and not change into a werewolf"
"can that happen?" engie says confused
"i think so" soldier says "i read somewhere that you can cure a werewolf by getting scratched by a black cat"
"why a black cat?" engie says
"don't know, guessing they have a mystical power to remove the cure" soldier says
"ok lets go find a black cat" engie says and both of them head off to find a black cat
after searching around for a bit they finally find a black cat wondering around, they head over to the black cat and engie picks it up
"i hope this works" engie says and he rubs his face on the cat
an magical aura was around engie and then it got absorbed into the black cat, engie pit the cat down and the black cat shakes its body letting the aura float in the air
"it worked" soldier says happily and he hugs engie
"yay partner" engie replies
then soldier and engie look into each other's eyes then after a minute they kiss and they liked it, they then head back to engie's cottage and they lived the rest of their lives wolf free.
(A/N - Sorry this took so long i was trying to think what to write and the black cat thing came from my cat Moo and the same time to show black cat aren't bad luck 😐 hope you enjoyed this and leave anymore ideas in the idea chapter 🙂)

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