BushMedicine - Sleepy Medic

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It was battle day in 2fort and sniper was sitting on the bench in respawn cleaning his kukri, he looks around the room and he notice medic was missing, he looks around the room again to see if he could see him but he was not in the room, he was about to get up to look for him but then medic enters the room and sniper sighed, he looks at medic and he looked really tired with tiredness under his eyes and looked like he was about to fall asleep
"right then maggots" soldier says "today we will protect our intel from those pesky blus"
everyone was listening to soldier's speech but sniper was looking at medic who was about to fall asleep again
"right then engie, you will guard the intel" soldier says to engie
"alright partner" engie says and smiles at soldier
"scout, you will go and get the blu's intel" soldier says to scout
"gotcha helmet hat" scout says
"heavy and medic will mow down the blus from the bridge then help scout get the enemy intel to our base" soldier says to heavy and medic
"we will do good job" heavy says "won't we doktor?" and he rubs medic on the head
"huh oh ja" medic says woken up by heavy rubbing his head
sniper looked at medic with a worried look and then soldier went over to demo
"demo you will put sticky bombs at the front door so when the blus try to enter you will blow them up" soldier says
"aye soldier" demo says
"spy you will do your sneaking backstabbing thing" soldier says to spy
"ok" spy says
"pyro you will come with me and we will guard the sewers" soldier says to pyro
pyro claps happily, he holds up his neon annihilator and then he laughs evily
"lastly sniper, you will stand where you usual stand and snips things" soldier says and then he leans into sniper "also keep an eye on medic, he's not acting himself"
"ok" sniper says holding up his rifle
"mission begins in 30 seconds" the speakers says
"right men do your best and afterwards we will celebrate" soldier says
everyone cheers then the 10 second countdown starts, after the 10 seconds everyone charges out and went to their places, sniper snipes the blu sniper, heavy mowed down all the blus standing on the bridge and soldier and pyro killed some blus in the sewers, as heavy was killing the blus sniper was keeping an eye on medic who wasn't moving so he zooms in to see that medic was sleeping standing up and sniper sighs, then the blu spy appears behind medic and was about to backstab him, sniper sees the spy and aims his rifle at the spy, he takes a shot and it hits the blu spy in the head, he falls down and medic wakes up
"huh wha?..." medic says and he looks around
he sees the spy on the floor and then looks at sniper
"danke sniper" medic says and gives sniper a thumbs up
sniper smiles and then heavy drags medic away
"come along now doktor" heavy says as he drags medic away and medic has a annoyed face on
sniper was a bit worried the spy might come back to backstab medic while he wasn't looking so he decides to follow heavy and medic, he follows heavy and medic inside the blu base and he sees that there was no blush in sight, he keeps following them to the outside area and when they get upstairs they see that demo, soldier, spy and pyro were spawncamping the blus respawn, heavy headed to the intel room but medic was just to tired to follow so he stopped and he was about to fall forward but sniper managed to catch him, he picks him up bridal style and decided to take him back to the red base and to the resupply room next to the intel room, so sniper carries medic back to the red base after telling heavy so he doesn't worry and sniper takes him back
when they get there sniper sees scout run past him with the intel and he smiles before entering the resupply room, he puts medic down in the corner and he sits next to medic, sniper looks at medic and smiles before settling down then medic puts his head on sniper's shoulder, sniper looks at medic and sees medic smile
"poor sleep doc" sniper says to himself and then he puts his head on medics head
sniper then ends up falling asleep too and both sniper and medic were asleep for quite a while even when the battle was over with the reds winning, a few hours later medic wakes up and he looks around in worry, why was he there, what's happening, where's...
"don't worry doc" sniper mumbles with his hat over his eyes lying back on the wall "we won a few hours back and you've been in here for a while"
"why are we in here?" medic says looking around "wherever this is"
"we are in the resupply room next to the intel room" sniper says "i brought you in here to keep you safe while you slept"
medic calms down then he snuggles up to sniper
"danke sniper" medic says and he kisses sniper
"your welcome love" sniper says after the kiss
medic smiles then sniper holds him close
"next time love" sniper says "get some sleep at night"
"i will liebe" medic replies and goes back to sleep again
sniper smiles then he falls back to sleep too holding medic close.

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