5. Fix You

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Blaise downed the rest of his tea and two tray bakes as Harry nibbled on one as well. Hermione was explaining to Sloane what exactly a fifteen was and how it was made.

"Basically, you just chuck it all in and hope for the best?" Sloane smirked. "I like it."

"They are good!" Blaise said as he leaned forward and bit a part of Sloane's as she held it in her hand.

"Oi!" She laughed, scoffing the rest, so he couldn't take any more off her. "I would have shared, you know." Draco was overcome with jealousy at this.

"How come you don't have an accent, Sloane?" Hermione asked. "Have you lived in Tennessee all your life?"

"No, we lived in Nevada for two years, New Orleans for a while and in Los Angeles for 4 years. Then, when I was 8, we moved to St. Louis, and we lived there until my second year of high school. Then we moved to Tennessee—Nashville to be precise. I loved it there. But my parents are very English and they taught my brother and I to speak so our accents mirror theirs."

"I have been to New York," Hermione smiled at the memory. "Muggle New York, though. It was when I was younger."

"Muggle New York is much nicer than Wizarding New York," Sloane assured her.

"So why did you move around so much?" Harry asked.

"Em...it's hard to explain. But my mother was...well...she was very powerful and there were a lot of wizards looking for her here in the UK but when they left, some even followed to USA, so we moved around to keep safe." Her parents never showcased their fear. Sloane and her brother were always made to feel like they were off on an adventure every time they moved. Her parents were good at keeping calm in bad situations.

"That must have sucked," Harry said, offering her a half smile.

"I had my family, and that was all I needed." She shrugged.

"You will have to tell me about New York," Blaise said. "Both you girls can fill me in. I've always wanted to visit."

Hermione looked taken aback, but she smiled. It was obvious that Blaise was trying. He had been friendly to her and hadn't insulted her once since they sat down. Draco hadn't either, but he also hadn't exactly made an effort... or looked at her at all, actually.

But with Blaise, he actually was smiling and trying to make an effort. Well, he was when he wasn't taking deep breaths or coughing. His cough sounded nasty. She was sure that he wouldn't have received much care if any while he was locked up. She knew from Sirius that the cells were cold and wet and that the prisoners spent most of their time sitting in filth and wet freezing. No wonder Blaise and Draco looked like death.

As if to prove her thoughts right, at that moment, Blaise gave a very loud cough and clutched his chest heaving. He had done this a few times, but this time, it was like he could not catch his breath again.

"Blaise mate," Draco said, knowing the sound and signs too well. Blaise coughed louder. His face paling and his eyes beginning to look panicked.

"Blaise, are you ok?" Sloane asked. He shook his head, but he couldn't actually say anything.

"Excuse me," Hermione ran to the cafe counter, coming back within seconds with a glass of water and some napkins. She crouched in front of Blaise and handed him the glass. "Take a sip," she said.

He continued to cough, and Sloane noticed that Draco was also beginning to hyperventilate. Blaise lifted a napkin to his mouth to stifle the coughing, and when he pulled it away, it was covered in blood.

"Shit!" Draco cursed.

She needed to get Blaise...away from people. "Blaise, come with me," she said, holding out her hand. Hermione, Draco, and Harry looked at her. "I promise I can help him...just...not in the open." She knew she was going to get in trouble. She knew that her uncle would kick her ass. "Please trust me," she begged the three, looking at her as Blaise coughed even more.

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