56. You Found Me

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"This is crazy!" Hermione said as she emptied the alcohol into one bottle, that she had put an extendable charm on. 

"I know, but he will go mental if he thinks we were in his room. It's an invasion of privacy." Sloane said reassuringly. As the two girls emptied out the bottles, Harry, Draco, and Kreacher of all people (or elves) filled the bottles back up with Elf wine. It was the same colour as the vodka and rum that they were emptying out, but the one thing about Elf wine is that it has no effect on people. Ron would be drinking it. It would smell like alcohol but would not have the same effect.  Hopefully, he would think that the drink had gone out of date or something. It would at least buy them time to try and reason with him.

"OK," Draco said, filling the last bottle. "That's the lot."

"Great!" Hermione and Sloane went to wash their hands, and then they headed out to look for Ron with the others. It was now after 6.30 am, and breakfast would start in an hour, so they had to hurry and find Ron before class. 

Harry had sent the others off with the Marauder's map to see if they could locate them, and Hermione had made Ginny take her DA coin so they knew where to find them. They had just set off to join the others when Hermione's coin heated. "Ohh..." She said, taking it out of her pocket. "I forgot these jeans were tight, and this coin heats up." She looked at the edge of the coin. "They are in the entrance hall."

Harry and the others arrived in the entrance hall in less than a minute. But there was no sign of Ron. "What happened?" He asked. 

"Your toy must be broken," Blaise said, sighing. 

"It can't be broken," Hermione said. "I mean, it can't break. The only ones who could stop it are the Marauders, and they are all dead." She blanched and looked at Harry. Three of the four Marauders were family to him. 

"Well, he is not on the map anywhere," Blaise frowned. 

"He isn't?" Harry took the map from him and opened it. He did a quick scan. It was easier to use the map at night or first thing in the morning as 90% of the students and teachers were in bed. He could see that Professor McGonagall was in her office, Mr Filch was in his office. Professor Flitwick was currently walking along the sixth floor, and Professor Sprout was in the greenhouse with Neville and Hannah. 

But there was no sign of Ron.

"That makes no sense!" Hermione sighed. "How could he not be in the castle?" No one knew quite what to say. Sloane and Draco were still fascinated by the map, having never seen it before. "Harry!" Hermione suddenly gasped and made Sloane and Blaise jump. 

"What did I do?" He asked. 

"The Room of Requirement." Hermione almost laughed. "It -"

"Doesn't show up on the map." Harry nodded. "He must be in there."

"But I thought that room was burnt during the battle?" Sloane asked. 

"It was, Draco, and I almost went with it." Blaise turned to Harry and Hermione. "Thanks again, by the way."

"Kreacher, can you check to see if Ron is in there?" Harry asked, and the small elf smiled and bowed, evaporating. 

"Who is that exactly?" Blaise asked once he left.

"My house elf. He was the one to get us the elf wine." Harry explained. "He was my Godfather Sirius Black's elf, but I inherited his house and therefore his elf when he died."

"Your godfather was my cousin?" Draco asked. 

Harry nodded before a thought came to him. "I assume if he was your cousin that he was Luna's too?" 

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