80. Let's Go Crazy

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Sloane sat down at the table for dinner with Ginny and Luna sitting opposite and Hermione to her left with Harry next to her. The hall was packed with all students. Sloane looked down to see Pansy and Ron not back yet, and Daphne was sitting by herself, but she seemed happy enough. She had just tucked into her chicken pie when there was a kiss placed to the top of her head, and a chip was stolen off her plate. Draco sat down next to Sloane and kissed her cheek. "What a day," he sighed, loading his own plate as Sloane poured him a glass of juice. Sloane didn't want to pry. She didn't know if Theo had gone ahead and told them, so for the first few minutes, she said nothing and just ate. Blaise and Draco, too, although both kept looking down the table. "Everything alright?" Sloane asked, noticing Theo sitting down next to Daphne and nodding to her as Draco finished up his food.

"Well, from what I heard you already know," Draco raised one eyebrow. Sloane blushed. "Seems like there is going to be a Slytherin cub soon enough."

"It's crazy!" Blaise smiled, leaning in, so Ginny couldn't hear. "I mean... they are so young."

"But they are in love," Sloane explained. "It will be loved. I think it is exciting for them." She felt bad calling the baby "it" but she didn't want anyone to catch on to what they were talking about. Draco was looking at his girlfriend curiously. Of all the things he thought Theo was going to say, he had no idea that he was going to drop a bomb like Daphne being pregnant. He was still in shock, and if he was being honest, the first thing he did was judge the young couple. Why were they not taking precautions? How did they let this happen? He knew what people would say. They would brand Theo a legend and Daphne a slut. It was shameful, but that was the truth. He felt bad for Daphne. This was not something she would be able to hide much longer.

"The rest of the year, Slytherin in particular are going to have a field day with this," Draco shook his head but smirked. "It's quite the scandal."

"And when the paper gets a hold of it, it's going to make the Greengrass' very angry," Blaise pointed out.

Sloane didn't mean to, but she slammed her fist on the table. "It's a scandal?" She looked between Draco and Blaise who almost choked on his drink. "Are you serious?" She didn't realise she was talking loudly until Draco took her arm.

"Want to go for a walk love?" He asked standing and holding out his hand. Sloane didn't answer but took his hand, standing and practically dragged the blonde from the hall. The entryway was empty so they sat on the steps leading to the staircase. "What's wrong?" Draco asked as soon as they turned to each other.

"Draco, one of your best friends comes to you to share his good news with him and you and Blaise judge his girlfriend?" Sloane said trying to keep her emotions calm.

Draco shrugged. "Well, I mean," he rubbed the back of his neck. "If they were foolish enough to get pregnant," he could see Sloane's face and knew he said the wrong thing. "Look, I like Daphne. I do, and I know that Theo loves her but -"

"But what?" Sloane asked. "So he gets to be a hero, and she is a slut?"

Draco gasped as Blaise came out of the hall. "What? No!" Draco defended. "That is NOT what I said. I just meant that this will be huge news. Mr Greengrass is a psycho!"

"He already knows," Sloane said and Draco paled. "Theo's mother knows and so do Mr & Mrs Greengrass." Draco nodded along. "Daphne and Theo are delighted about this. Did you congratulate them?"

Draco scoffed. "I do have manners Sloane."

"So why are you being so rude now?" Sloane asked.

Draco shrugged. "I don't mean to be. I am just pointing out the obvious. There are going to be a lot of rumours floating around when news does break out. I feel bad for them. People talking about them, it's going to be hard."

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