48. Kiss Me

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"Well, that went well, I think," Blaise smiled as he shoved his hands in his pockets and marched out of the school onto the grounds. It was a warm enough afternoon, so the gang decided to venture outside for some fresh air.  They were a little early for dinner, seeing as it was only 4.15 pm. Classes would not finish for another fifteen minutes or so. 

"Hopefully," Hermione shrugged. "I mean, we said everything that we needed to say. We offered great suggestions and were able to back up everything that we said."

"No point stressing about it," Ron shrugged. 

"Ron is right. Whatever will be, will be," Luna said in a sing-song voice.

"Que sera, sera," Hermione smiled.

"Ah tu hablas Español," Sloane spun around to her friend. 

Hermione blushed. "Un poco, mi tia vive en Cadaques. Admito que no soy muy buena."

"You just said something was good. Or not good." Harry tried to remember. 

"She said her Spanish was not very good, but actually she said it perfectly," Draco offered.

"Que sera, sera, literally means what will be, will be. It's a muggle song. That's what I was remembering by what Luna said." Hermione explained, turning to Harry. "I didn't know you spoke Spanish?"

"I don't. I just remember what Dudley used to say every year when they came back from holidays in Spain. I literally can say very good - muy buena and I am hungry - estoy hambriento."

Everyone giggled, but Hermione who frowned. "You really had an awful upbringing." Harry shrugged. 

"Do you guys find this strange at all?" Sloane asked, looking around as the group sat around the big oak tree by the lake. Sloane, ever the tomboy had insisted on climbing the tree to sit on the lowest branch so she could look out but still be with her friends.

"Find what strange?" Draco asked, climbing up to sit next to her. 

"That we are all here. In a friendship group - oh, don't frown Blaise and Ron. I know you both love this new dynamic." She smirked. 

"I will admit it is definitely unexpected," Harry laughed.

"Over a year ago, we were cursing at each other, and praying the other would drop dead," Draco said. 

"We were dickheads," Blaise shrugged. 

"You weren't the only ones," Ron muttered. He then sighed. "For what it is worth, I am sorry for how I treated you guys, especially at the start of the year. I am so... I don't know how to explain it. Like two sides to me. Sometimes I am happy and carefree and enjoying my time at Hogwarts and then there are times when I hate it here as it reminds me of everything I have lost and I want to scream." He plucked at the grass throwing it as he did. "I know that I should not have been drinking that day....or the day before that....or the day before that...but it's an easy way to cope for me."

"But it is not the answer," Harry said. 

"Believe me, I know," Draco muttered, but only Sloane heard him. 

"But look at us now," Luna smiled clearly chuffed with the outcome. "We are together. This is the best friendship group I have ever been in. You are all wonderful in my eyes and I am very thankful I can count you all as friends."

"Always Luna," Ron said nudging her shoulder. 

"It is amazing how far each of you has come," Sloane added. "You used to hate each other. Used to be on separate sides of the war and yet by coming together at the end, you managed to defeat evil and save the wizarding community. You couldn't have done it without each other." 

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