11. Tomorrow

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Ron, like Ginny, was now a regular at the house. He would come over most days to spend time with the duo. They would take trips to Diagon Alley, and visit the graves of Fred, Remus and Tonks. Harry had fought tooth and nail to get Snape buried with the other Headmasters at Hogwarts. He had kept the memory he had from Snape and managed to show the Wizengamont and Kingsley along with the student board of governors. Only then did they agree to him being laid to rest next to what was essentially his best friend. He also made sure that Snape's portrait was hung in the Headmistress's office, again next to Dumbledore's. It felt very strange, but he had a younger version of Snape painted and even managed to have the painter, sneak a woman into the portrait. A woman with long ginger hair who now stood alongside Snape chatting happily with him and leaning her head on his shoulder. Severus Snape was finally reunited with his childhood friend and love, Lily Evans. 

Harry made a mental note to not visit the Headmistresses' office too much, so he didn't have to see it. But he purposely chose younger versions of the pair so that there was no memory of James Potter and his connection to the love triangle. It was the first and only time Harry had ever seen Snape look truly happy.

But they would lay flowers at the other graves, even venturing to Godric's Hollow to lay flowers at Harry's parent's graves. Harry was trying to make the effort to visit as often as he could. He had also requested addresses of the fallen fifty from the Ministry. Harry knew it was silly, but he felt bad that so many people had died during the battle. Died during a battle he had started. He decided one evening that he wanted to write to each family to express his condolences and apologise that he couldn't prevent their loved one's death. 

He didn't tell Ron this. He knew Ron would scoff at the idea, but he confided in Hermione who had told him that although unnecessary that it was a lovely gesture. So they found themselves at the dining room table over the course of a week, writing 49 letters and sending them off by owl post. They didn't send one to the Weasley's, and they had already spoken with them many times over Fred's death. It still didn't ease either of their minds, and they regularly would meet in the middle of the night in the kitchen or on the stairs being unable to sleep. The utility room in the house now housed an extra fridge in which they kept their dreamless sleep solutions, calming draughts and various potions they brewed for headaches, anxiety and various other things. They even made a stock for when they went back to school. 

Harry and Hermione actually found that they worked quite well as housemates. Hermione had a very motherly nature to her and Harry was supportive and protective. They looked out for each other, and it actually brought them closer together. They worked in harmony, getting up at the same time every morning without alarms, enjoying the same food and activities throughout the day and heading to bed at the same time. 

Harry very patiently taught Hermione to play wizard's chess and cards, and she taught him muggle games like Pictionary and Charades. Games were not something he was ever involved in at the Dursley's very often, so he was clueless. So they bought a stack of boardgames to entertain them in the evenings. She also taught him how to use a computer and how to charm the newest muggle invention in the music world, the MP3 player to play more than the standard 21 songs. Hermione and Harry had hundreds of songs on theirs. 

When it came time to buy the usual school supplies, Hermione decided to reach out to Sloane as promised to see if she wanted to accompany them the following morning. It didn't take more than an hour after Hermione sent off the letter than an orb made its way into the living room. 

"Hi Hermione & Harry, it's Sloane. I hope you don't mind the orb, but it's a much quicker way to communicate. That owl the post office sent you to use looks like it's on its last legs. Anyway, tomorrow would be great. I am beyond bored at the house here every day and still don't know anyone to go anywhere yet. 

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