52. Lovestory

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"Wow!" Ron said for the third time after Sloane and Draco had told everyone in their dorm what they had found out.

Goose was now reading the book on Ceangalanam that Sloane had produced, stopping every so often to show Hermione a paragraph or a picture.

"So you actually are soulmates?" Harry asked.

"That's the gist of it, yes." Draco laughed. It was more complicated than that, but he was tired. Sloane was once again sitting on his knees, leaning her head on his chest as he played with her hair.

"I think it is romantic," Luna gushed.

"Of course you do," Ron rolled his eyes.

"I think it's fascinating!" Hermione said.

"Of course you do," Harry chuckled as she elbowed him.

"It will be fun, figuring it all out," Sloane said. "But we feel very lucky to have found each other." Draco kissed her head.

"So is this why you were such a dickhead for so many years?" Blaise asked. "You were grumpy as you only had half a soul?"

Draco shrugged. "I suppose that was a contributing factor but I also had to put up with you. No offence Ginny."

Ginny laughed. "You just need to know how to handle him." She leaned forward and pinched his bum where he stood.

"I did not see that!" Ron moaned.

"And I'm not doing that," Draco scrunched up his nose as Sloane laughed.

"So what happens now?" Luna asked.

"For now we treat it like a normal courtship. Get to know each other, and spend all our time together. Just like anyone would if they were dating." Sloane explained.

"If we were graduated, I would be taking her on dates and weekends away but since we are limited to Hogwarts or Hogsmeade, I will have to improvise." Draco winked at her.

"And will you introduce Sloane as your girlfriend?" Hermione asked.

"Girlfriend, love, soulmate, whatever comes first." Draco smiled.

"It's so funny to see you together but it's not weird. It's as if you have always been together." Ginny giggled. "You are perfect together. Real true love."

Sloane looked at Draco and blushed. They knew they felt strongly for each other but it was a bit early to be talking the 'L' word even though it was on the tip of both their tongues. For the love of Merlin it had only been a bloody hour!

"I can't wait to learn more about your magical bond," Hermione said, offering her Pygmy Puff, Beth, some chips from a napkin she had from dinner.Sloane was going to have to give her a Tupperware dish for the little thing. Goose had plenty of them. "It will be exciting to learn about such an ancient piece of magic. Or how your magic is disturbed before the bonding is complete." Hermione was practically giddy with excitement.

"I promise to share all my information with you and you can use me a dummy for your research and tests." Sloane swore.

"Can I?" Hermione gasped pulling Sloane's arm. It was funny Draco could feel the light pressure of Sloane's arm mirrored on his own. This was freaky.

"Of course, you can. Who better to document and help other cases in the future?"

Hermione clapped at that and Harry smiled at her. It was obvious from his face that he really cared for her. And was very happy right now.

"So what about the rest of you? After our little...outburst and you all disappeared...am I going to have to hand out anti-pregnancy potions?" Sloane smirked.

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