39. Young Hearts Run Free

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The colour completely drained from Harry's face as he looked at Sloane, who could not help but laugh at him. "Don't worry, you are secret safe with me," she whispered.

He sighed in relief. "Thank God -"

"Sloane will do," she smirked.

Harry looked ahead to where Hermione was walking with Ron. There was a bit of space between the two of them, and they were keeping their heads down as if having a serious conversation. "Not that it matters," Harry sighed. "She is my best friend and is dating my other best friend. I would never do anything to jeopardise my friendship with either of them."

"That is because you are an amazing person," Sloane said, leaning on his shoulder. "Truly one of a kind. But I do not think you have to worry. I don't think they are a well-matched couple."

"You don't?" Harry asked.

Sloane shook her head. "As awful as it is to say, Hermione needs someone more...independent. More mature and more headstrong. Ron requires someone carefree and someone who will find his boyish demeanour, charming. Hermione finds it frustrating." Harry thought about this. She wasn't wrong. Hermione did find Ron immature. She used to overlook this quality as she was so infatuated with him. But she couldn't ignore it forever. "They are not technically a couple, are they?" Sloane asked.

"Em...well, I know they kissed, but I don't think they ever talked about it."

Sloane shook her head. "It's as if they both just think everyone expects them to be together, so they go along with it. They don't act like a couple."

"Who is a couple?" Draco asked in a panicked voice. It didn't go unnoticed by Harry or Luna.

"No one, actually," Harry smirked. "We were just talking about the possibility of Sloane dating." Sloane looked utterly confused. They were not even talking about Sloane, so why would Harry say that?

"You're dating, Sloane?" Luna asked the girl.

"No, I am not," Sloane said, alarmed.

"But she will be soon. She is too great a girl to stay single for long. Some guy will realise how amazing she is and snatch her up soon enough. I mean, she is beautiful and has a heart of gold. She is loyal to a fault, funny, and perfectly sarcastic. Who wouldn't want her?" Harry smirked. Luna raised an eyebrow, and Draco frowned. "Not me," Harry quickly added. "I love you, Sloane, but like a brother would."

Sloane laughed. "I feel the same way, Mr. Potter." She winked.

"But you are too amazing to stay single. Don't you think Draco?" Luna and Harry looked to Draco as Sloane blushed furiously. "Yeah, she is amazing," Draco said sadly. Harry frowned, and Luna looked on with pity at her cousin, being able to guess what was going through his head. Luna knew how he felt about himself. He truly hated who he was and did not believe that he was worthy of love. It broke Luna's heart to see him look so miserable. All summer, he moped about the house talking about how he was no good and didn't deserve to be free. He thought he truly belonged in Azkaban. Which was complete crap in Luna's eyes. She just needed him to believe it, too. She knew he felt something for Sloane. She could get through to him better than anyone else.

"Harry?" Luna asked. "Can I pick your brains for a minute or two? Sloane, will you walk with Draco?"

"Of course," Harry and Sloane both said. Luna and Harry moved on ahead, and Sloane fell in line with Draco, who was watching the ground as she walked.

"Knut for your thoughts?" Sloane asked after a few minutes of silence.

Draco looked up. "I...um..." he sighed. "It doesn't matter. How are you feeling this morning? Your wounds, OK?"

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