17. Here I Go Again

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The train began to pull out of the station as Sloane looked around at her compartment companions. Blaise looked beyond shocked as Goose lifted his eyes up to see Blaise and Luna before scooting closer to Sloane and turning the page to continue reading.

"Sorry, this is Goose, my new companion. Goose, this is Luna, Blaise, and Draco." Again the Niffler looked up and waved. 

Blaise and Luna waved back as Draco stared. "OK, I am waving to an animal. This is bloody strange." Blaise chuckled. 

"He is precious," Luna cooed as Goose gave a smile and turned back to his book, picking up his apple and taking a bite. "Where did he come from?"

"My great-uncle gave him to me and -"

"Mr Scammander gave him to you? Really?" Luna asked delighted. 

"Yes. He got separated from his mum and Newt thought that I would be able to look after him. He isn't like most Nifflers, so he didn't exactly fit it."

"Besides being small he doesn't look that different to a normal Niffler. Why is he so special?" Draco asked looking bored. 

Goose turned and stuck his tongue out at him. Sloane chuckled. "Well, besides his excellent judge of character, he is also not attracted to shiny things like most Niffler's and doesn't steal. Goose likes books instead."

"Just like his owner," Draco rolled his eyes.

"He is pretty cool," Blaise smiled. "Just like his owner." The little creature lifted its paw, extending just on finger and shook it as Blaise as if to say 'no.'

"Aw Blaise he has you sussed already," Luna smirked. 

"So Luna, how was the rest of your summer?" Sloane asked. 

"Wonderful. We visited daddy who is now breathing on his own and doing great. He is not awake yet but he is one step closer. The healers are very hopeful."

"Are you serious? Luna that is fab news! I am delighted for you and your family."

"Thanks. Draco and Cissy have been so good to me. We have been on trips to meet some of the amazing creatures in the London Wizards Zoo. They shut the place down for the day so it was only us. It was amazing. I got to feed and look after so many animals and I even helped deliver a mooncalf." She clapped her hands in delight and Goose copied her actions. 

"That sounds right up your street," Sloane smiled again. "And Blaise, how has it been settling into home life?"

Blaise shifted in his chair. "It has been an adjustment to say the least. My mother and I, like the Malfoy family, demolished our home and rebuilt a new one to start over. My mother went ahead with her divorce filings, and she is back to Ms Walsh. She transferred all the vaults and things into either my name or her name, and she has taken over the family business."

"Well that's great!" Sloane said. 

"Yes, but she is keeping herself busy, so she doesn't have to stop and think about what she is doing. If she thinks too much she will go back on her word. She cut all communication with my father when he was arrested and sentenced. But he has been writing to her every day. She has yet to open one and asks me to return them which I have been doing but I do worry that now that I am not there, she may fall victim to temptation and open one. My father always had a way with words, and he will have her eating out of the palm of his hand in no time."

"My mother won't let that happen. She is going to have all your mother's mail forwarded to her, and she will intercept any letters from your father." Draco explained. 

"I hope so. I dread to think of what would happen if he did." Blaise shuddered. 

"Auntie will do her best, and your mother is quite determined. I believe it will be fine." Luna said dreamily. 

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