29. Trouble

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Hermione was furious! And on a bloody mission. She was fully aware that she was being what Ron called emotional. She was trying to calm herself down as she tore through the castle, trying to find the little idiot. Her eyes scanned over every room as she walked. She had no idea where he would go. She checked the Gryffindor Common room, his dorm, the Great Hall, the Astronomy Tower, the Courtyard, and the Clock Tower. The last place she could think of was the Quidditch pitch. Suddenly, it seemed like the most obvious place he would be, and she felt like kicking herself for not thinking of it, to begin with. So she took off running. "Hermione!" Harry called after her. She didn't stop. She ran down the front hall and out the front door. "Fuck sake, Hermione!" 

"Harry, if you can't keep up, grab a bloody broom!" Hermione snapped. Harry knew she was pissed. And he knew why. It wasn't just what Ron had said about her. It was the fact that Ron had completely ignored her for weeks. He was still speaking to her when they were in a group, but he had not allowed himself to be alone with Hermione. As if he was afraid to be alone with her. 

And Hermione had finally snapped. Harry wasn't getting in the middle of it all. He was just following Hermione to make sure that she left Ron alive. And didn't use any Unforgivable Curses. As Hermione made her way down the lawns and into the Stadium she could see a mass of red hair pacing in the middle of the field. She clenched her teeth and marched forward. 

"Ronald Weasley!" She snapped as she approached him. 

Ron was so busy going over his argument with Sloane in his head that he did not even hear her approaching. He jumped at the sound of his name. "Fuck me!" He gasped. 

"Not likely," she snapped and Harry pressed his lips together. It would not look good right now if he were to laugh. 

"What did I do?" Ron asked bewildered. 

"What did you do?" Hermione asked utterly perplexed at his stupidity. "What did you do? I will tell you what you did."

"That would be nice," he shrugged.

She wanted to hit him. And he bloody knew it. He took a step back. "You told Sloane that we were girls and therefore emotional?" She asked. 

His eyes grew wide. "I...well, that is to say... I mean..."

"Either you did or you didn't.

"I didn -" He started, and Harry smacked his own head. 

"And before you answer, remember that my room is right beside hers, and I can hear everything." She warned him. 

"You heard? Well, I mean, I did, but -"

"You did. You assumed that because I am a woman, that somehow I am not as strong-willed or have as keen a sense of danger as Harry?"

She waited for an answer, and he looked a little scared. "It's not that, what I meant was that....well you're a girl, so you are more gentle in nature than a guy." He shrugged, not seeing the big deal. 

"Oh, I am more gentle, am I?" Hermione smirked before she flung her hand back and punched Ron, right in the stomach. 

"Fucking hell Hermione!" He cried out as he fell to the floor. 

"Next time you want to make sexist remarks about me or any other girl, maybe think about that pain right there, or the pain of a hex hitting your privates!" She snapped. "I went through everything that you went through the last seven years. I have dealt with everything just as you have. I was hunted, on the run, duelled, fought and had to keep going. I fucking Obliviated my parents to keep them safe. I had to give them up, knowing I might never see them again. When have you ever had to give up anything in your precious little life?" 

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