21. In The Shadows

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After the sorting was completed and everyone had eaten far more than what was necessary, Professor McGonagall took to the podium again. "Attention students. I have a few house rules and notices to give out, and then I shall allow you all to retire to your dorms for the evening. Firstly I have been asked by our caretaker Mr Filch to remind you all that any joke items from Weasley Wizarding Wheezes are frowned upon for use in the corridors. The Forbidden Forest is strictly out of bounds. Many believe it to be an adventurous place, but I can assure you that it is in fact one of the most dangerous places one can visit.
Also, I would like to remind you all that curfew is 8 pm during the weekdays and 9.30 pm on weekends. We have prefects as well as teachers who will be patrolling the corridors and if they find students out of beds, you will be punished.
Students from third year shall be allowed to visit Hogsmeade on chosen weekends. Seventh years are allowed to visit every weekend and Eighth years are permitted on Thursday and Friday evenings. I will tell you that if I witness anyone taking advantage of these liberties they will be revoked." 

The Headmistress cleared her throat before she continued. "Now could I please have the Year Eights whom I spoke to on the train, please? I would like them to join me up here if they would be so kind."

Sloane gave a little gasp and looked to her right to see Harry and Hermione exchange looks. She looked across from her to Draco. His face was expressionless. He simply nodded at her as he stood up motioning for her to do the same, which she did. Instead of following Harry and Hermione, Sloane walked around the table to where Draco stood and walked on as he followed her up to the podium towards the Headmistress. 

"I will keep an eye on trouble here," Blaise said. The Niffler had eaten his fill and fallen asleep leaning against Blaise's thigh.

There, the four of them stood looking out at their peers, each feeling a bit like an idiot as they did. Harry may have been used to people staring at him, but that did not make it any easier. Hermione felt that there were people in the room who hated her just for who raised her, and she felt uncomfortable. Draco knew that half the room hated him, the other half feared him, and he didn't know which he hated more. Sloane hated attention. She despised it. People always looked at her to see who she was or what was so special about her. Truth be told Sloane always felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb no matter where she was. In the USA she was a foreign girl. The English girl who was nothing but a tourist. And in England, ironically enough, she was an American blow-in. And here, at Hogwarts, she knew she was going to have to prove herself.

Professor McGonagall smiled at them and then continued. "Now, usually we would have a Head Girl and Boy but this year, considering the events of the last nine months, we have decided to do things a little differently. Instead, what we have decided to have is Counsellors as such. We want to offer help to anyone who needs it.
Mr Potter has offered to host a Duelling Club where he will be demonstrating defensive spell casting and helping us to channel our anger and emotions. 
Miss Granger has offered to be a tutor for those who feel they require an extra hand with their theoretical studies.
Mr Malfoy has kindly volunteered his time to help those who require assistance with the practical elements of their work. Potions, wand work and such."

There was a murmur of whispers as everyone looked at the three in question. Then they looked to Sloane wondering where she fit into the equation. 

"And I am delighted to announce that we have a new student with us all the way from America. She will be taking her final year amongst her Year Eight peers. Miss Sloane Sage. She is a truly remarkable girl, and we are very blessed to have her here. She has also offered to be a counsellor to those who may need someone to speak to. Someone to confide in. Please know that what you say to her shall be received in the strictest of confidence. I believe Miss Sage is more capable of understanding your feelings than anyone."

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