86. I Do

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Draco was impressed with the effort Sloane had put in to making this the most magical wedding she could, given the limits against her. He was standing with Theo in front of everyone, giving Theo one last pep talk before he went ahead and got married. "You sure about this?" Draco chuckled as he fixed Theo's tie. The guy was never good at doing up his own tie.

Theo nodding smiling warmly. "Absolutely. I love her and I want to be with her. She and our baby are all I need."

"And how do you know?" Draco asked.

"I just do. I can see it every time I look at her. I can see the future, our lives and what we could be, together and I want it. I can't wait to call her my wife." Theo looked to his friend. "Can you imagine a day when you wake up and Sloane is not by your side?" Draco shrugged. He had plenty of days when he woke up and Sloane wasn't by his side. But he knew what Theo meant. Sloane had become such an important part of him. More important than anything in his world, including himself, which for Draco was a huge deal. "I know you love her," Theo chuckled. "Your whole face lights up when someone even mentions her name." He chuckled. "Not that I blame you, she is incredible."

"She really is," Draco smiled.

"Well the way you feel for Sloan, I feel for Daphne. I can't imagine myself ever living happily without her. We are going to have a baby together. This is the start of my forever and I cannot wait to start. This is an adventure I am on with my best friend."

Blaise who was sitting in front of them wiped a fake tear from his eye. "That was beautiful man," he sobbed.

Draco chuckled and clapped Theo on the back. "Alright, let's get you married."

Sloane was standing at the bottom of the aisle. She was fixing Daphne's veil Hermione had transfigured and was adding some bits to the girl's outfit before standing up. As she turned, everything seemed to move in slow motion for Draco. He watched in awe as her hair swooped over her head, falling into perfect place around her face. She had a beautiful smile on her face, which took Draco's breath away. She smiled at him before winking. And suddenly Draco could see it. He could picture his own wedding with Sloane standing at the bottom of the aisle waiting to walk towards him. He felt excitement bubble up in him, and he couldn't help but smile as he pictured her in a white gown with flowers in her hand.

Sloane turned to Daphne. "You ready?" She smiled as Daphne nodded. "You look stunning Daphne, and I am so excited for you."

"Thank you, Sloane," Daphne giggled her eyes dancing with excitement and she as stood tall and Sloane fixed her hair. "I can't believe what you did for us. This means the world to me and honestly," Sloane could see the tears well up. "It means the world to me that Theo and I are getting the chance to do this our way."

"It was my pleasure and honour," Sloane chuckled. "I better go and take my -"

"Will you be my bridesmaid?" Daphne asked. Sloane could feel her shyness but also her excitement. "I mean, you have become a friend to me and Theo has Draco by his side and I -"

"Daph," Sloane chuckled taking the girl's hand. "I would be honoured to be by your side." Sloane flicked her hand over the flowers, and they duplicated and Sloane transfigured them to a plain colour, suddenly very glad she bought herself a new dress. She winked at Daphne as Ginny waved her wand and music started. "You got this," she said quietly to the bride once more as she proceeded to walk down the aisle towards the two handsome Slytherin's both of which were grinning from ear to ear. Sloane took her time but with the excitement she felt, feeding off everyone else's emotions, she practically danced down the makeshift aisle, winking to Draco who blushed as she turned to stand at the top waiting for Daphne.

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