36. Fighter

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"What do you mean it's gone?" Hermione asked the following morning.

Sloane woke up to find herself tucked up in her cot bed, and Draco was standing as if guarding her. She had no idea when he moved her off him or why. Maybe he wasn't kidding when he said she weighed a tonne.

"We searched the rooms in that corridor, and we found it hiding in amongst the hospital beds. We tried to capture it, but it bit Colson and used him as a shield." The Auror explained as he led the children out of the hall and to the entrance of the castle.

The injured Auror, Colson, was taken past them on a stretcher. He didn't look good. "So where did it go?" Harry asked.

"We have no idea." Another Auror said as he joined the group with the only female on the team. She had a nasty gash on her face but still managed to offer them a half smile.

"It jumped into the water," she explained. "We have a team searching the lake, but so far, nothing. My best guess is that it made it to shore across the lake and headed either into the mountains or back in towards the Forbidden Forest."

"That's not good," Blaise said, concerned.

"We will search the forest thoroughly and -"

"Hagrid?" Professor McGonagall called suddenly, making everyone jump. She sounded panicked.

"Morning Professor," Hagrid tried to smile, but with the group all watching him, he knew something was wrong.

"What? Oh, yes, good morning. Sorry. Hagrid, is there any chance you could speak to the Centaurs? Ask if they saw anything and maybe if they would keep an eye out. See if they see anything strange. Like a creature or a statue-looking thing?"

"A statue-looking thing?" Hagrid asked, confused.

"We are going to speak to a forensic sketch artist from the Muggle Police Force. He is Arabella's brother-in-law." The Auror said.

"My sister married a muggle," she shrugged. "Jack and I will give you a copy of the sketch Hagrid so you can show them. We are heading to see him now."

"Excellent!" Kingsley said. "Well, it is not in the castle anymore, so the kids are safe to return to their dorms if you are happy, Professor?"

McGonagall looked a little torn. She wanted to resume the running of the castle, but she wanted the kids to be safe. She sighed. There was always bloody something wasn't there. "Yes," she nodded after several minutes. "I suppose that's the best thing to do."

"Professor, uncle, I wonder if we might have a word?" Sloane said, leaning in so the Aurors couldn't hear.

Kingsley looked a little confused but nodded. "Of course, my dear. Shall we head to the Headmaster's office?"

"No, let's go to mine." She looked to the Headmistress. "Sorry, Professor, but all those portraits kind of freak me out in your office. It's weird speaking to people face to face and yet having never met them. And I have an idea that they may find....insulting."

Professor McGonagall smiled but seemed surprised.

Kingsley and the Headmistress headed off towards Sloane's room, with the Headmistress leading the way. Sloane turned to her friends. "Come on, you lot," she took Draco and Hermione's hands. "I need your input too, obviously."

So the herd moved off and up to the offices' entryway of the four counsellors. "You know, I only just heard of your tutoring and counselling scheme set up through the Headmistress. It's funny that my only niece didn't think to tell me." Kingsley smirked.

"Because your niece knew full well what you would have said. 'Oh Sloane, be careful and make sure that you don't reveal too much of yourself in these sessions. You are only new, and maybe you should let someone who knows the students better, take over, and you have a quiet final year.' You know I can read you like a book," she smirked. "And I know you would have worried and assumed I couldn't do it." She rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door with her wand and allowed everyone to step in.

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