15. Dry Your Eyes

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Sloane just wanted to disappear home, but she knew she had things that she had to buy for school. She needed somewhere to simply calm down before she could set off again to buy the rest of her list. She took herself off to one of her favourite places. The bookshop. She stepped into the quaint little shop and took a deep breath immediately feeling at home. She loved the smell of books. It was comforting to her, and she required comfort right now. 

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked her smiling. 

"Muggle English Literature?" Sloane asked as the lady pointed upstairs. 

"Thank you so much," Sloane smiled and headed off up the spiral staircase. This was her idea of heaven. She could spend hours getting lost in books. Words were like a warm blanket enveloping her in heat and comfort. She slowly walked along the aisles between her heroes. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Oscar Wilde, Jules Verne, Louisa May Alcott plus so many more who had changed her life. 

Sloane did what she always did when she was sad. She picked 'Little Women' off the shelf and she flipped it open to her favourite part and began to read. This made her feel immediately better. She was so invested she didn't even notice that she wasn't alone as she let her tears pour freely now. 


'Did that slimly little Weasel just say that? And he had the nerve to call me evil?'

Draco had absolutely no intention of going to the Weasley shop that day. His mother had told him it would do him good to get out of the house and to watch over Luna as she shopped. He already had all his school things, but it wouldn't do any harm to pick up another book or two to occupy him. When he heard what that ginger pube had said to the Sage girl he immediately felt bad for her. She had not actually done anything to warrant the rude behaviour. Wasn't the Weasley supposed to be some sort of Saint?  Sloane had run past and off down the street to the very store that he very much wanted to visit. Luna gave a sigh to his right. "Go after her and see if she is OK will you?"

"Me?" Draco asked. "Why me?"

"Because you are closer, and I think it will do you good to speak to her. I am going to give Ronald a piece of my mind." Luna said looking over to where Harry and Hermione were still looking appalled by Ron's outburst and Ginny looked like she was trying to think of a good hex. 

"Fine!" Draco sulked. "But it will be like the blind leading the blind. I won't be much help." Draco shrugged but headed off for the bookshop. He did not have a clue what he was going to say to the girl. What sort of comfort could he offer someone he didn't even know? He felt his palms start to sweat. He didn't even know this stupid girl. Why did he agree to this? He was about to turn around and head back to Luna. About being the operative word as he felt his bloody feet move forward without his knowledge and open the shop door. The shop was particularly full, and he had no idea where to look. He tried to listen to the crowd. 

One man complaining that his book pages have all stuck together—gross! A woman telling her daughter to hurry up. A young couple making out down the back in the history section—gross! An old lady asking for a recommendation on a book. Two ladies, arguing over a book—Dumbledore's Biography. And...bingo—a girl upstairs sniffling. He headed upstairs and looked around before finding her with her back to him in the middle aisle, reading a book. He now had no clue what to say or do. He wasn't too happy that his cousin sent him after such a crybaby. He cleared his throat to announce his presence. Sloane jumped when she heard the noise. "Hot patootie, bless my soul! You scared me!" She turned to see a very confused-looking Draco staring at her. "Oh, it's you!"

"Did you just say hot patootie?" Draco asked smirking. 

"It's an expression," she frowned. "Well, I say it anyway."

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