25. Brave

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When Harry left, Sloane cleared his teacup and took another from the shelf behind her. She heated the tea and coffee pots again and made a few notes on her session with Harry. Professor McGonagall had mentioned there would be records kept of each student, but she had not received them yet, so for now, she was using parchment. She had just finished making a few little notes when there was a knock at the door.

She stood up and found herself checking her reflection in the mirror before opening the door. Wise up, girl! It's Draco Malfoy! He's not the least bit interested in you or how you lookShe opened the door to see Draco standing leaning against the wall with one foot propped up against it, and he was leaning his weight on his leg.

"Hi," Sloane smiled and stepped back to let him in.

"Hi," he mumbled as he stepped in but didn't venture too far into the room. "Nice digs," he mentioned, looking around.

"Yeah, it's nice enough. I don't need anything fancy. Just somewhere to sit. Do you want tea or coffee?" She asked, gesturing to the table.

"Um... coffee, I suppose." He moaned and then walked to the sofa before flopping down into it. Sloane again made a cup of coffee for herself and one for Draco before handing him his. He looked a little shocked. "How did you know how I took it?" He asked. He was about to tell her that he took a splash of milk and half a spoonful of sugar when she proceeded to make it, exactly as he liked it without having to be told.

Sloane blushed. "Um...I'm not sure, to be honest." She took a sip of her coffee.

"How was your first day of lessons?" She asked.


"Have you got any students yet to tutor yet?" She tried to get him to talk.

"Uh... yeah, two."

"That's great!" She smiled.

"If you say so." He rolled his eyes.

Sloane sighed. "Draco, did one of the teachers put you down for coming?" He shook his head. "Friend?" He shook his head again. She could tell he didn't put his name down himself as he seemed...apprehensive. "Someone suggested it?" He nodded. "Your mother?"

"She thought it would be good for me."

"Why?" Sloane asked curiously.

"Because she says I don't talk much anymore. I tend to keep myself to myself."

Sloane nodded. "You had to learn to stand on your own two feet, and you spent so much time working on your own, not trusting anyone that this just seems the best way to live. No one can hurt you if you're on your own." Draco didn't say anything. He didn't look up, he didn't object, and he didn't even change his facial expression. And Sloane suddenly couldn't read him. And she knew why.

"Using Occlumency on me already?"

His head snapped up. "How did you -"

Sloane tapped her head. "Do you think you were the only one taught Legilimency? And I'm an empath, remember? Reading people is kind of what I do."

"An empath? What's that?"

"The ability to understand and share feelings of others. One of the many gifts my mother passed to me when she died. Lucky me." Sloane sat back in her chair and crossed her legs up under herself.

"As well as the healing stuff? Bit weird." He scoffed.

"I didn't ask for it," she said defensively. "If my mother wasn't kidnapped and murdered by Voldemort, I wouldn't be a freak."

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