114. Believe

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Several things happened at once. 

Sloane immediately lifted her own wand up and cast a protection spell around her and her friends, who were all standing in front of Steven. Draco, who knew full well that Sloane could handle herself had practically jumped on Blaise's back to refrain him from drawing his wand. 
The Aurors in the room, all now had their wands drawn and were doing a sort of crab walk, moving left and right to see who would fire the first shot. Harry and Ron had both jumped in front of Sloane, along with Newt all of whom had their wands raised unnecessarily as they looked up at the protective bubble they were encased in. Harry remembered seeing something similar around Hogwarts the night of the battle. Kingsley and McGonagall were both a very unflattering shade of purple and Joanna and Narcissa looked ready to kill, both being held back by Christina and Arabella who had literally just returned to work that day. 

"Lower. Your. Wand!" Jerry said moving towards Steven, both his hands on his own wand in a combative stance. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Steven said. "You think I am the one who is a threat?"

"You are the one with your wand raised to teenagers. In a school. Who have not got their wands pointed at you." Jerry looked between Sloane and Steven. 

"Her wand is right there!" Steven snapped. "I am defending myself!"

"Against a Protection Bubble Charm?" Sloane asked smirking. 

Steven took a second to cast his glance up and then back to Sloane. "I don't trust her. She had her little Death Eater boyfriend protected so we can't disarm him. He could easily take us out right now." He lifted his wand higher, putting both hands on it."

"Don't you hurt my baby," Joanna cried out. "Don't you dare hurt my girl or her family!"

"She is not your baby. She is fucking delusional thinking that these two bastards have changed."

"I think they have," Kingsley shrugged. 

"As do I," Bill added. "It's been an honour to work with them both."

Steven scoffed. "Isn't that one shagging your sister?" He pointed to Blaise who looked like he wanted to spit fire, but Draco was still firmly holding his blazer. "Yeah, I don't think your opinion counts for much Weasley. And no offence Minister, but you are blinded by the fact that this little bitch is your family."

"Well I am related to none of them and I wholeheartedly believe that these guys are good," Arabella said standing up tall as she spoke. "I would trust them with my life. I wouldn't trust you to hold my coffee," she glared at Steven. "And for the record, I know who Lucinda is." Everyone turned to her. 

"You shut your fucking mouth you bitch!" He spat looking between her and Sloane. 

"Who is Lucinda?" Blaise and Harry both asked not intrigued.

"She is the Auror department secretary," Colson explained. "Lovely girl just graduated from Beauxbatons in June. She is very shy and timid but a hard worker."

"She is a nobody!" Steven warned, he wanted nothing more than to hex Sloane and Arabella now. 

"She is Steven's latest plaything," Arabella said lifting her head high. "He tried it on with me and when I threatened to report him to Jerry and the Minister he moved on to Lucinda who is not as outspoken as I am. An easy target for a predator like Steven." Arabella folded her arms. This was news to her, she only found out herself a few days ago. Steven was a pig who liked to speak to women like they were nothing but toys for him. The more a girl tried to play his behaviour the worse he became. 

"Why did you not report this?" Jerry gasped and turned to Arabella. "How did we -"

"He used to make sure that I was assigned to shadow him on his missions and always made sure we were the last in the conference room together. At first, it was flirting, which was not reciprocated. Then he would find ways to touch me or press himself against me. A month ago, he tried to put his hand down my shirt and I pinned his arm behind his back and told him if he even looked at me or another Auror that way again, I would be straight to the Minister's office." She sighed. "I didn't know about Arabella until I found her on Wednesday, crouching down behind her desk crying because Steven had just put his hand up her skirt and snapped her underwear. She was too afraid to tell anyone."

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