55. Crazy

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Harry woke up one morning, on a Friday in the middle of November very early, to a faint knocking on the dorm room door. He sat up, put on his glasses, and slipped out of bed. Hermione was lying next to him, and he smirked as he remembered the night before activities. Nothing dirty, Hermione had been reading aloud, and they had fallen asleep while doing it. Harry tiptoed out of his room, along the narrow hallway, past the balcony door and headed across the living room and down the staircase, checking his watch as he opened the door. He had no idea what he was expecting, but seeing a tearful Luna was not on his list. Not even remotely. "Luna?" Harry asked, stepping back and allowing her to enter the dorm.

"I am sorry, Harry, for waking you. I just... I mean...." She cried again.

"Hey, it's OK, Luna," Harry said as she threw herself into his arms.

"Is he here?" Luna asked.


"Ron, of course," she cried again.

"Why would Ron be here?" Harry asked, turning to the couch to make sure that he wasn't, in fact, sleeping in the room.

"He disappeared after dinner. He said that he had a headache and needed sleep. He told me that he was having an early night and that he would see me in the morning." She took a deep, raspy breath before continuing. "I went to bring him a Pepper Up Potion and a cup of tea, and he wasn't there. But... But..." She stopped.

"What is it, Luna?" Harry asked.

She shook her head. "You have to come and see it for yourself." She cried again. Harry nodded.

"Let me get shoes on," Harry smiled but was full of concern for his best mate. Luna tried to calm her breath. This was a very serious issue, but she was here to try to get Ron help. Harry was back in less than 30 seconds. "Let's go," he said, putting his arm around Luna and heading to the Year 8 dorm.

It was located on the 3rd floor. It was ironic that it was here as the 3rd floor was always forbidden to students, basically because there was a bloody three-headed dog using it as its kennel. But the dog has long since been moved to another home. Harry just hoped it was a long, long way away from Hogwarts. Luna was breathing rapidly, panicking slightly at what could have happened. She trusted Ron. He had been her friend for years, and since the battle, they had got very close. He was the one she confided in when Neville had asked her out. She adored Neville, but she knew they were not a good match. She was her friend, and she adored him, but Neville needed a girl who would demand the best for him. She would never admit it, but Neville needed a woman who would push him to be the best version of himself. He always needed a little encouragement.

Luna would never have been able to give him the tough love he needed. But it broke her heart to tell him so, and she spent two weeks crying after she did it. Ron was the one to bring her food and offer her a shoulder to cry on. He would listen to her and hold her, expecting nothing in return. She had grown so fond of him in such a short space of time that it even took her by surprise.

They reached the portrait door, and Luna spoke. "Saturday 2nd May 1998" she said, and the portrait door swung open.

"Your password is a date?" Harry asked a little shocked. He had only known passwords to be, well, words before.

"Yes, the date of the battle. The date history was made, loved ones were lost, and the darkest wizard of our time was defeated. It's a memorable date for all of us." Luna said sorrowfully, stepping into the empty common room. "His room is just up here. Most of the year have to share a dorm, but Ron has his own room."

"How come?" Harry asked as they climbed the stairs.

"The prefects all got their own rooms. So Blaise, Ron, Ginny, myself, Daphne Greengrass, and Justin Flinch Fletchly." Luna said.

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