43. Jealous Guy

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He turned to see Sloane had stopped walking. She looked utterly bewildered as she tried to replay the conversation between herself and Harry this morning. "What?" Draco smirked. "Didn't think I heard that? I did," he stropped. "I wonder what kind of counselling sessions you have been having with him? Sounds like a good time. Do you at least clean the couch before your next patient?"

Sloane's whole face fell. She couldn't believe he had just said that to her. Even he looked guilty. "You know Draco jealousy isn't a good look for you."

"Jealous me?" He scoffed. But Sloane could read his feelings. He was jealous.

"Yes you, you bloody idiot!" She snapped. "What you heard this morning was me giving Harry advice on a girl he liked. A girl who I can assure you is not me. He was thanking me for chatting, and I told him it was my pleasure and that he was lucky I liked him... as a friend." Draco froze. Sloane didn't like Harry. And Draco had just basically called her a - "Actually, you should know that Harry and Hermione offered me some advice this morning. They told me that I should tell you how I feel about you. That it is you I like. But I felt bad because you have a girlfriend, and I didn't want to cause any drama between you two or between us. But you didn't really care about that, did you?"

She went to walk on, and Draco took her arm, as gently as he could so as not to hurt her. "Astoria is not my girlfriend. She never was and never will be. She just likes attention and wants to annoy you. She knew that I liked you."

"If you liked me, you would not imply that I was screwing every guy who came for a counselling session." She pulled her arm out of his grip. "I can assure you that my office is a professional space, and I do not take advantage of patients or them of me. Not that it is any of your business."

"Sloane, I -"

"Don't you dare apologise to me! You are not sorry. If I did like Harry, you wouldn't be sorry. The only reason you are sorry is that for some fucked up reason it's you. But don't worry, I will work on it." She stormed off in a bad temper. Jacked up little fucking snake! She cursed as she walked on ahead of Harry and Hermione and took the stairs two at a time just to be away from him.

Draco knew he had fucked up. He wanted to kick himself. Sloane hadn't been interested in Harry. She was interested in him. She fancied him. And he had just lost all chance of being with her. He was still torn about it. Still worried that he was not good enough for her. But at the same time, wasn't that her choice? Well, it doesn't fucking matter now?

When he made it down into the hall, he walked straight over to their table and sat down across from Sloane. Harry and Hermione sat next to her with Blaise and Ginny at her other side. Ron and Luna were the last to arrive. Luna looked a little flushed.

Sloane began to add pancakes and fruit to her plate, she just reached for the syrup when her fingers brushed Draco's. She looked up and he offered her a smile. He pushed the jar towards her. "Ladies first," said. She didn't respond, just poured some over and set it down beside his plate. "Thank you, Sloane." She rolled her eyes as she began eating.

"So where shall we talk?" Ginny said trying to start a conversation. "I mean we could always find an empty classroom?"

"We would have to ask permission," Luna explained. "And most teachers' rooms, are in their classrooms and they may not be comfortable with that."

"What about your office Sloane? We were all in there yesterday?" Blaise asked.

"You are all more than welcome, but it's not exactly a huge room. We could use our dorm," Sloane shrugged. "So long as you guys agree?" She looked at Harry and Hermione.

"Yeah that is probably the best place," Harry agreed.

"Yeah suits me. I bought some snacks yesterday in Hogsmeade." Hermione offered.

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