77. Baby, It's You

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"It's a long story baby," Sloane smiled at him. "But she has an issue to overcome and in order to confront, she needs the other person here." She wasn't giving anything away. Instead, she tiptoed around the truth.

Draco smirked as Pansy stomped past him and into the room, dragging Ron who was still shouting as he marched. "UNHAND ME YOU EVIL FUC-"

"Ron!" Sloane snapped, as Pansy practically threw him onto the armchair.

She stood up straight and turned to see Draco standing looking very confused. "Hi Draco," she said trying to calm herself down.

"Everything alright ladies?" Draco asked coming into the room but stopping by the door with his hands in his pocket. "Do I have to worry about Ron's life here?"

Pansy looked horrified and looked between Ron and Draco before rolling her eyes. "If you are staying, shut the damn door already Draco!"

"Not before you let me out!" Ron snapped. "What the fuck is this?"

"You sit!" Pansy growled as Draco jumped and entered the room fully, now curious. He closed the door and sat next to Sloane on the sofa, putting his arm around her and kissing her head.

"I missed you," he whispered, although everyone heard him. Pansy frowned, very jealous. She wasn't sure why she let Draco stay. Maybe so Sloane wouldn't have to lie. Maybe for protection in case Ron tried anything. Maybe because she wanted sympathy from him. Either way she took a deep breath and looked at Sloane.

"Oh me?" Sloane asked before turning to Ron. "Thank you for coming," Sloane smiled.

Ron scoffed. "Are you fucking kidding? This bitch just barged into the common room and took me out by the ear. The whole year was in that room. I will be a laughing stock."

Sloane sighed. "Ron, this is important. You need to listen to Pansy. Listen to everything she says before you react." He looked at her sceptical. "Can you do that?"

"What the fuck is going on?" Ron said now panicking. He wished he had a drink on him. He wasn't sure what was going on and he hated surprises. He had never even spoken to Daphne Greengrass before, and he hated Pansy Parkinson, although he had a very vivid dream about her a few weeks back.

"I am about to tell you, you ginger twat!" Pansy said, but it wasn't her usual shouting or sneering. She was pale now and shaking. "I...well....do you remember when we...a few weeks back...we...I mean you and I -"

"Would you fucking spit it out already!" Ron snapped but he was nervous.

"We...em...were together." Pansy said quickly.

"Together where?" Ron was confused. He didn't remember going anywhere with Pansy. "We went somewhere?"

Sloane slapped her palm to her forehead. "Ron, you were together. Like alone together." He didn't look any less confused. "You and Pansy."

"Shagged." Draco finished catching on to what Pansy was trying to say. Ron choked on his own saliva. "You and Pansy shagged." He was trying not to laugh.

Ron however was horrified. "We bloody well did not! I think I would remember."

Pansy had her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "We did you asshole. We had sex. We met at the Three Broomsticks. There were no more tables left so you asked if you could sit in the booth. You were already sort of hammered at that point." Ron tried to remember. He had a vague memory of sharing a booth with a raven haired girl in the pub. But it was fuzzy. "Well, we proceeded to drink the bar dry, then we headed back to the common room, had even more drink, and we ended up shagging in your room."

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