24. Save Me

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The classes were pretty good. They were all starting by going over what was learnt in the previous year. Sloane may have been in hiding last year, but her father still made her practise her schoolwork. Her potions, charms, spells, etc. He knew that if she didn't practise, she would struggle. But so far, she had managed to remember everything. There was no rest for the wicked as they say for by 2 pm on the first day Sloane already had a 3ft essay to do for Transfiguration and 4ft for Defence Against The Dark Arts. 

She was very excited by the prospect of her first patients, and so she left her last lesson of the day at 1.50 pm and practically raced to where their offices were. Right next to the tapestry for their dorm were two solid oak arch-shaped doors. Sloane opened the door and stepped inside. She was now in a little room with four doors, and a small couch sat between each doorframe. Sloane headed straight for the room slightly to the right with her name on a plaque on the door and stepped inside. It was a plain room. Wooden floor, cream sofa, and a decorative bookcase. A coffee table sat in front of the sofa and two armchairs. A tea tray was set out as well with tea, coffee, and biscuits.

"Hmm, I can do better," she whispered as she pulled out her wand.

For starters, she made one wall a navy colour and the rest a very light grey. The couch was made navy with decorative cushions scattered on top. Three two high-backed armchairs were also changed to grey colour with navy cushions. A sideboard was added, and Sloane was able to set out her little tea tray. A large grey rug was added, and the bookcase was changed to a dark colour. She transfigured the boring objects on it into more sensory items, a lava lamp, a large hourglass, some candles, and a Rubix cube. That one was more for her than anything.

"Much better," Sloane smiled just as the door knocked. "Come in," she called, and the door opened to reveal Harry.

"Nice place," he smiled, looking around him. He stopped at the shelf and watched the lava lamp for a few seconds. "I'm not sure how to start," he shrugged.

"Well, first things first, why don't you have a seat? Would you like tea or coffee?"

"Tea, please," Harry said as Sloane flicked her wand, and two cups began to pour themselves before coming to rest on the coffee table.

"Help yourself to milk, sugar, and biscuits," she smiled.

When he sat back up, she cleared her throat. She wasn't sure where to start herself. That was until Harry gave a yawn. "How have you been sleeping, Harry?" She asked.

"Not great. I have been having nightmares. Most of my time during the war. They are pretty graphic and brutal, and they keep me awake."

"Can you describe them to me?" She asked.

"Do I have to?" He shifted uncomfortably.

"No, it was just to give me an idea so I can help. But I don't want you to relive them. Can you just tell me, are they of particular people, or are they just bits of the violence?"

"People. It's always the same people. The ones I could not save. The ones I let down." He looked down at his feet. Sloane could feel the wave of emotions that washed over him. The guilt.

She put down her teacup. "Harry, you didn't let anyone down. You did everything in your power to save us. To save everyone. You tried, and that is all we can expect of anyone. No one blames you for anything that happened during that battle."

"But it was my fight. The Death Eaters were after me and killed people to get to me." He sniffed.

"Harry, everyone that was there the night of the battle was there by choice. They were given a chance to run to safety, and yet they all decided to do what was right and to stay and fight. We did that knowing that we might not survive. But it was a sacrifice we were willing to make."

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