68. Lovefool

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That whole conversation, however, Sloane didn't hear as she had already gone back to her cotbed. She knew obviously that Astoria had kissed him. She knew that he had stopped it and she knew that he didn't want it. But those 10 seconds that it took for him to push her off. That is what broke her.

"Sloane?" A small voice said, walking towards her. It was Theo.

She looked up but didn't exactly register what he said. "I am sorry, did you say something?"

"I said that what Astoria did was wrong and that Draco was sort of ambushed." He sat on the cot bed with her. "He only has eyes for you."

Sloane nodded. "Except he left me to go and help her when she called."

"She can be very annoying. Sometimes, you do things just to get her off your back." he shrugged.

"Yes, you do because you are dating her sister. You are basically family." Sloane said.

"That is why I do things for her." Daphne said, sitting on Sloane's other side. "Theo is just too nice. But trust me, before she was interested in Draco, she tried to get Theo to leave me and shack up with her."

"Several times, actually," Theo chuckled.

"And I can guarantee that you never left Daphne to follow after her?" Sloane said. Theo didn't even need to answer. It was obvious. He never left Daphne's side.

Sloane shook her head. "Maybe it was all too much, too fast. Maybe I expected too much from him. We literally were together an hour when we were told that we were soulmates and that we had this stupid bond. He never really had much of a choice or chance to find anyone."

"I don't think he needed a choice to be honest with you. It's obvious to anyone with eyes that you are the one he wants." Theo shrugged.

"I am the one he thinks he has to want. I am the one who took his choice away. He accepted it because he thought he didn't have any other options." Sloane said sadly.

"No, I don't believe that," Blaise said, joining them and kneeling in front of the girl. "Since he first met you, there was always something there."

"Something that I forced on him when I kissed him. I felt it, Blaise. This evening, when we were heading upstairs. He was feeling regret. Deep regret. It was about us. He regrets getting together, and with this new monster thing targeting us, he has finally realised he is better off without me. That is why he chose to follow Astoria."

"Regret?" Blaise repeated sounding a little mad. Sloane nodded. Blaise did not say anything else as he stood up and walked away. Sloane hadn't realised that Draco was standing just off from their little gathering, surrounded by Hermione, Harry, Luna, Ginny, and Ron. He was close enough that he more than likely heard what she said. What he probably wasn't anticipating was for Blaise to drag him away by the ear.

"I am sorry for my sister," Daphne said. "She has caused a hell of a lot of trouble lately."

"And is threatening to cause more," Theo scoffed. "But not to you. That she is reserving for us."

"Everything ok?" Sloane asked, confused.

Daphne sighed and leaned into her. "Did Professor McGongall ask you to talk to a couple who were... going through something?"

"Yeah, I mean, she did not tell me who. I assume it is you two?" Sloane smiled. "Who, by the way, do make a lovely couple."

"I like to think so," Theo beamed. "The thing is...."

"Well, it's that we have found ourselves in a bit of a situation." Daphne explained.

"Oh my, are you two, ok? Is there anything I can do?" Sloane asked now concerned as she saw how pale Daphne was.

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