40. I'm Kissing You

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She wasn't sure when, but Sloane managed to break away from the group. She left the boys in the Quidditch shop, Ginny and Luna in the clothing boutique, and Hermione, she thought, had gone to buy some more quills. So Sloane was wandering down the village on her own. She didn't mind being on her own, though. She was sort of used to it. She finally decided to check out the bookshop. She opened the door, hearing a little bell ringing to signal her arrival.

And at that moment, a boy jumped up from behind the counter. "Good morning," he smiled as she closed the door behind her.

"Morning," she smiled back.

"Are you in for a browse, or is there anything specific you are after?" He asked.

"Em...well, I would like some new books. Do you have a muggle section?" She asked.

"Ah, a lover of the muggle books?" He pointed ahead of him. "This aisle here is the for you then. Is there any specific genre?"

"Umm, well, I quite like the Victorian era. Romance, coming of age?"

"Are you an Austin fan?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes, but it's not my favourite. I love Louisa May Alcott -"

"Ah, Little Women," he nodded.

"Absolutely." She laughed."It's my favourite." She pulled her copy of the book out of her little bag.

"Have you read the other two in that trilogy? It's not as good but worth a read."

Sloane looked surprised. "No, I haven't. I didn't even know there was more."

"We have them here," he smiled as he came around the counter. "Just down here." She followed him down the aisle. "My name is Lawrence." He smiled.

"How coincidental," Sloane almost laughed. "I am Sloane."

"Well, I like to believe I am not as wreckless as Laurie, but I am biased. It's nice to meet you, Sloane. Hogwarts?"

"Final year. Well, technically, my eighth year." She shrugged.

"Yes, of course. I was the year above you. How do I not remember you?"

"Ah, I am a blow-in. Transferred from Ilvernmory." She shrugged. 

"That would explain it." He ran his finger along the aisle as he looked for the books he wanted. "Here we go," he said, taking one out. "Little Men and Jo's Boys." He handed the books to her. "Don't be expecting them to be as great. They are good, but nothing quite beats the March sisters."

"Well, I will keep that in mind," Sloane said as she began to browse the shelves herself. She walked off, reading the binds of the books, waiting for something to jump out at her. Lawrence left her at his stage to deal with another customer.

She could spend hours in bookstores reading the short descriptions of books to see which she was attracted to. Sawyer used to tell her she was dead boring because of it. She couldn't tell you how long she was there, but she eventually heard the clock at the front of the shop chime and jumped. She needed to meet everyone else. She grabbed her books, now four in total, and headed to the counter.

"So you found some more?" Lawrence asked, helping her lift them onto the countertop.

"I did." She smiled triumphantly. She dug in her jacket pocket for her purse only for a hand to reach across with money.

"I will pay for these," Draco said softly.

"Draco, I can buy them. It's fine." She assured him.

"Nope, my treat, dear," he smiled.

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