73. Never Be The Same Again

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"So what do we think?" Ginny asked as she sat on the floor of the great hall about an hour after they had agreed to stay out of the situation. She had a cushion under her, and she had her back propped up against Blaise's legs as he was rubbing his thumb up and down her check. If he kept doing it, she was going to start purring in content in a minute. She hadn't been this comfortable in a long time with anyone.

"About?" Harry asked.

"Sitting in here for the night as they head off to fight the evil we uncovered?" Hermione spoke up for her.

Sloane was sitting on her own little cot bed, leaning into Draco's chest as he leant his head on hers. She could understand the frustration both girls felt. She could also feel Harry's relief. And Ron's for that matter too. She couldn't say much about herself, but maybe the trio and the others had been through enough.

She sighed. "I mean, we did everything we could," she shrugged. "We found out what was down there. We managed to give everyone a good picture of what they were facing, and we investigated all possible angles." She shrugged. "Maybe we have done our part."

Draco was nodding along, agreeing with Sloane. "Yeah, I mean," he looked around the little group. "I have come to care about you all very much, and I have to admit that I am a little relieved that none of you are out there," he gestured out of the hall. "Getting ready to face that... monster again." He gripped tighter to Sloane. "I could not watch as it attacked any of you again."

Harry smiled. "I feel the same as Draco. I have lost too many that were close to me. I know that we all want to help. We want to make sure our school and the occupants are all safe. But let's face it. None of our plans ever actually work out the way we intended, do they?"

Ron chuckled. "Not a fucking one," he shook his head. "What did you once say Harry? We plan, we get there, and all hell breaks loose. That pretty much sums us up."

"But it doesn't feel good to be sitting here doing nothing," Sloane sighed again. "I feel -"

"Useless?" Draco smirked as she nodded.

"No, fair, you used your bond thing," she pouted as he chuckled and kissed her head.

"At least I know you are all safe," Blaise smiled. "And I will sleep all the better for it." Ginny smiled at him and he winked.

"Yeah, Blaise isn't wrong." Harry said patting Hermione's leg. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am fed up with always being on the go. I am fed up with always worrying about someone. A new threat or someone being kidnapped. The anxiety I have felt these last seven years has been horrific, and I have been working with Sloane to overcome this. Another mission like the one the Aurors and Order are on now, and I would be right back at square one."

Hermione nodded along. "And you have done so well," she kissed his cheek and leant her head on his shoulder. "I am so proud of what we have accomplished. I wouldn't want you to have to feel like that again." She slapped her hand to her thigh and rubbed her jeans. "So we sit back and let the others handle it. For once, we don't run towards the danger," she nodded.

"We stay," Sloane agreed. "We stay here and keep everyone in this hall safe. Protect and keep watch."

Draco smiled. "So we are all agreed?"

There was a round of yes's and a few who let out breaths they had been holding. Harry was exhausted and leant his head back against the wall, closing his eyes as Hermione rubbed his hand with her own, smiling at him. Ginny and Blaise were having a hushed conversation amongst themselves, giggling and clearly flirting. Ron was...well struggling. He wished he had brought a bottle of something stronger. He had a bottle of rum in his bag which he accio'd when no one was looking, but it wasn't having its usual effect, and he was getting antsy. Luna noticed and was currently rubbing his shoulders from where she stood behind him, trying to do anything to help him. Draco and Sloane were now sitting with their heads together, both with their eyes closed and both caught up in their own thoughts. It had been a big week for them, admitting their true feelings for once another, someone trying to break them apart, but they had come through it. Sloane was relieved that Draco wasn't in harms way and Draco was relieved that Sloane wasn't in danger and didn't need to use her powers as he knew they weakened her. And so the eight of them sat in the same corner they had before, coupled off and all managing to fall asleep within minutes of one another completely exhausted, drained and for once, not having to worry about what was happening.

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