96. Maneater

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Sloane had been to a few events with her family and her uncle but she always managed to slip in unnoticed and stay out of the way, behind the crowd and she could blend in and simply people watch. Not tonight however. Before she had time to even register what was happening, Draco took her arm, linking it through his own and gave it a squeeze. She smiled up at him affectionately as the large double doors to the hall opened and the group proceeded in, two by two. There had to be at least 300/400 people in the hall, all standing facing them as they made their entrance. People staring and whispering to each other at the couples. Sloane knew that this was perfectly normal. She had witnessed these entrances herself many times but she had never been on this end of things. She felt a little like a bird in a cage being stared at and it made her tremble a little.

"I got you," Draco whispered sensing her nervousness and feeling a need to protect her or calm her in some way. He led her to the left side of the room where there was a small platform which they stepped up onto and waited. Sloane loaned in closer to Draco, not that he minded at all, and turned to watch as her uncle stood in front of the crowd, with the small group gathered at either side of him. He lifted his wand to his throat as he voice rang out around the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow wizards and witches. Ms Black has bestowed upon me the honour of addressing you all tonight on this very special occasion.
Several months ago we did not know what the future held for our community. We had no idea of our fate. But by coming together, by joining as one we have managed to overcome the evil that threatened our world and in doing so we made the wizarding world a safe place not just for ourselves but for all future generations.
I do not have to tell you of the sacrifices that each and every one of us had to endure, the heartache that followed the war and the emptiness that we feel for our fallen brothers and sisters. But by being here tonight and celebrating our future, we also honour them. For without their sacrifice, our future would be very different indeed.
I am proud to be your Minister and to help build a better tomorrow so that we can be free of threat and violence. Entering into this new year with you all is both and honour and a privilege. So I wanted to start by saying thank you to each and every one of you."

There was a round of applause as waiters moved about the room offering glasses of champagne to everyone, including Sloane who was glad to have something to occupy her free hand, the other one still holding on tightly to Draco. She smiled at her uncle as he continued his speech.

"Our special guests here with me tonight are a group of school friends and their families, who are a testament to the change that has already taken place in our community. Within Hogwarts, the prejudice and discrimination that once haunted the halls, is all but gone." He turned first and gestured to Ginny and Blaise. "Gryffindors and Slytherins have not only become friends but in the best of cases, have found love. Gryffindors and Ravenclaw too," he gestured to Ron and Luna. "The Chosen One now has time to be a teenager, for the first time in years and in doing so, has found the love of his life along with finding friends in old nemesis." He smiled at Harry and Hermione who was blushing furiously. "And the boy who had no choice, finally got the chance to chose who he wanted to be in life, has found love, in my niece I am proud to say and he has proven to us all that a second chance is a gift that shouldn't be wasted."

Sloane squeezed Draco's arm as his cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink. He turned to her and smiled lovingly earning a few "aws" from the crowd.

"I am honoured to know each couple standing here and to be able to witness to the growing relationships between them." He turned finally to Theo and Daphne smiling before turning back to the crowd. "That brings me to the final couple here with me. A true love story if ever there was one. Friends to lovers. Theodore Nott and Miss Daphne Greengrass have had a budding romance since last year and have been dating for many months."

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