49. To You I Belong

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Sloane had kissed boys before. She had even considered herself to have dated one or two in the past. But never had she ever been kissed like this. This was something completely different. And suddenly, it was like being hit by a falling star. She suddenly realised why when Draco insulted her, it hurt more than the others. Why he was the one she called for when she was rescued? Why he was the one she wanted to stay with her when she couldn't sleep? Why she could feel herself drawn to him? It was strange. She had heard of it before, but she had never actually seen it in real life before. It was a type of ancient magic. Magic so pure and ancient that it wasn't very well known. In fact, the only reason Sloane knew of it was that she randomly came across it in a little book. It was a tiny little book she found years ago in a bookstore in Ireland while on holiday with her family that her dad insisted he buy for her. Maybe he knew this would happen one day.

Draco, too, could feel sparks igniting and fireworks going off inside him as he kissed her back, pulling her close to him as if she might disappear when he opened his eyes.

But she didn't.

Everything else seemed to change, however, when he opened his eyes. Suddenly, everything in the world seemed to revolve around her. Everything was for her. She had, in the space of a few minutes, become his world. She giggled, and Draco felt his heart swell. "Sorry, but we have been on this merry-go-round too long now, and I wasn't letting another opportunity pass by." She smiled, placing her forehead against his.

He kissed her again and then proceeded to pepper her face with kisses. "DO NOT APOLOGISE!" He laughed. "I have wanted to do that for so long."

"You have?" Sloane asked, meeting his eyes.

"Draco?" His mother called again but he ignored her. 

He looked at Sloane, tilting his head. "Are you kidding? Of course!"

"So why didn't you?" She asked.

"Well, I don't want to scare you or anything, but I sort of made a deal with myself after the war that I would stop being...well for want of a better word...a dick. I knew that I didn't want to be the Slytherin Prince anymore. Having girls chase me. I wanted to settle down. Find a girl that I could actually see myself having a future with. A courtship."

"A courtship?" Sloane asked.

"Maybe they don't have those in America, but they are -"

"No, we have them. And arranged marriages, but I always hated the thought of one of those. Courtship, though, is an exciting prospect." Sloane was well used to the courtship and the rules surrounding it. She had never been in one obviously but her parents had and her mother told her all about it.

"I think so, too. And I would never enter one unless I thought it was the right one." Sloane nodded, but she could feel how excited and nervous he was. One benefit of being an empath was that she could feel what he felt for her. Even if he wasn't ready to say it out loud or admit it. She could feel it. And she was beyond shocked to realise she felt the same. "When I heard you were attacked, it nearly broke me. The thought of never seeing you again. Never hearing your sarcasm or your annoying way of always being right. Of the talks we have had in our sessions and just getting to know each other." Again, she nodded and smiled as he slipped his hand into hers. "And it all sort of became clear to me. That I liked you. I really, really liked you. I wanted to be with you. But I was torn. I didn't think I was good enough. I didn't think that I should punish you by being with me, just because I wanted it so badly. As I said, I'm trying not to be a dick."

She giggled, and he kissed her. "But then I got selfish, and I decided that I should speak to you before I made the decision about our future without consulting you."

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