9. Move Along

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Hermione woke up the following morning, feeling much better. She cried herself to sleep, physically and emotionally drained. She went straight to bed when she left the kitchen. Ginny was in Ron's room and never returned all night. After about 10 minutes of Hermione on her own, Harry had come in asking to sleep in her room. Ron had moved Harry's trunk from their shared room to the hallway. It was childish and stupid, but then again, it was Ron.

Everyone else had spent the morning helping the pair pack up. There wasn't much to pack, to be honest. Not for Harry anyway. The bulk of his trunk usually consisted of school books, his clothes and some trinkets. He hadn't got his books for school yet. He had no broom anymore and no Hedwig.

Ron had unceremoniously booted him from the room, so he had packed Harry's trunk for him.

Harry levitated the trunk downstairs and took everything out to put it back in tidy and to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Percy, Charlie, and Hermione spent a good hour packing Hermione's books alone. After that, she added her clothes to the trunk as well as some nicknaks and pictures. Mrs Weasley was cooking up a storm, making jams, homemade bread, sausages, pasta dishes, and a lasagne along with a cake and some fudge. Mr Weasley had been sent off with a shopping list Mrs Weaskey had given him with things the two would need: milk, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc. Fleur was picking them up Floo Powder for their home, and Bill was having the fireplace connected to the Floo network again after being disconnected when it was used as headquarters for the Order. George was currently fighting the washroom trying to find all of Harry's socks, and Ron and Ginny were still sulking upstairs in Ron's room.

When they were finished packing, they stopped for a bit of lunch. One last meal before they hit the road. Harry knew he would miss Mrs. Weasley's cooking. That woman was a force in the kitchen. Move over Julia Childs, Molly Weasley was taking the title of best cook. Everyone chatted happily about the house and what decorating needed to be done. Bar Percy, they had all been there and knew what the place was like.

"Maybe you should paint the hallway?" George offered. "Add a pop of colour, and it will be class."

"That's the plan, George," Harry smirked. Mrs. Weasley came in at that moment with a stack of...well, Harry wasn't sure what it was. She set them on the table and blew a piece of her hair out of her face.

"Ok," she smiled and divided the bundle. "So this is yours, Hermione. It's a chunky knit large blanket. I did yours in Periwinkle blue."

"This is beautiful, Mrs Weasley!" Hermione smiled.

"Harry the red and gold one if yours. And this one is a charcoal and gold one to match the grand room in the house."

"Thank you," Harry said, adding both to a box.

"Now I have made you dinner for tonight and lunch for tomorrow. I have also got lots of food here, dried food for your cupboards."

"Mrs Weasley, you did not have to do this. We were happy to do a shop ourselves." Hermione hugged her.

"This was just to get you started. Arthur has more and he will meet us there."

There was a roar from the living room, and footsteps could be heard before Bill popped his head in. "Sorry it took so long, I had to clean the fireplace first to unclog the connection. Fleur is still at the house. She's cleaning for you."

"Right, are we ready?" Charlie asked, picking up a box. Harry looked to the stairs. He had hoped to see Ginny and Ron before he left. He had hoped they would have been down for breakfast or lunch, but they hadn't made a peep yet.

"I suppose," he said, picking up his own box.

Bill grabbed a box and followed Charlie. Mrs Weasley and Percy levitated about 5 boxes between them, and everyone made their way to the living room again. Hermione picked up a box as George levitated her trunk. She looked to the stairs now standing at the bottom of them. Still nothing.

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