63. You Give Love A Bad Nane

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Sloane was still fighting the lump in her throat. But what Draco had said really touched her. He defended her to the Minister for Magic. That was brave.

"The Aurors are on their way," Arthur said. "Are there enough of them? I thought the team was on a case in Russia?"

Kingsley cursed. Arthur was right. "Damn, they are. My best are away on a recovery mission. The reserves will be coming instead."

"And by reserves, do you mean the trainees?" Mrs Zabini asked. "Are they experienced enough for this?"

Kingsley rubbed his stubble. "They will have to be."

"Not necessarily," Joanna shrugged.

"What do you mean, Jo?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"Well, we are adults. Most of us were in the Order. We can help. I am sure there are lots of parents that would like to help. We could create a team."

Harry was impressed. It wasn't a bad idea.

"And we could bring forward the installation date for the cameras and the other points the kids brought up," Narcissa added. She turned to the kids. "All of your ideas were passed and are going to be implemented."

"That's fantastic news!" Ginny smiled.

"Can this be brought forward?" Kingsley asked, looking between McGonagall and Narcissa.

"Of course! We could have it in by Monday if we start this afternoon. The surveillance team has already been trained and is ready to start with immediate effect. There is a team of ten starting off. One guard to a floor and two officers who will be stationed in the office to monitor and a senior officer who will monitor everything. They are reporting to myself, the Headmistress and yourself Minsiter."

"That is very generous of you, Narcissa. I would be happy to contribute to the costs of this," Mrs Zabini offered.

"Nonsense, we are happy to do it. We have already started marketing to other countries' schools, hospitals, and ministries. It's a great investment."

"And one we greatly appreciate," Professor McGonagall added, smiling.

"So the surveillance will be tight around the school. That is great news." Mrs Weasley smiled.

"And we can get a team together to fend off this...eh...infestation we have," Arthur added. "Do we know what these things are?"

"No," Kingsley said. "No luck so far."

"Well, then we need a research team as well," Mrs Zabini said. "I can work on that."

"Molly and I can help," Joanna offered.

"Gladly," Mrs Weasley smiled.

"Right. That's settled. Narcissa, can you get work started today? I will speak to the teachers and get the students set in the hall for this evening and maybe tomorrow evening as well. Just to be safe. Ladies, you begin researching. You can have access to the school library. The Restricted Section may help."

"I can help with research," Hermione added excitedly.

"Me too," Draco and Sloane both said.

"Yeah, why not," Blaise said, looking to Ginny, who nodded. "We are in, too."

"And us," Ron said, holding Luna's hand.

Harry nodded. "Research sounds safer than fighting," he chuckled. "I think my fighting days are over."

"You've done enough," Kingsley smiled and patted Harry's back. It pained Sloane to see Kingsley interact with Harry. It was easy. Was it difficult with her? Was it forced? Maybe she was a burden to her uncle and his family. They never wanted her. They just didn't have a choice in the matter. She wasn't seventeen yet at that point. But she was now. She was a legal adult in the Minsitry's eyes. Maybe now was the time to leave and give Kingsley his family back.

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