116. Night Visitor

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Sloane gave a jolt upright in the bed, panting a sweating, her heartbeat hammering against her chest and bile rising in her throat. Yet again she had just had a horrifically vivid nightmare where she was trapped in the foyer with Euan who was holding all her family and friends captive offering her a trade - her life to save theirs. It wasn't much of an offer as she jumped at the chance to save them, but she could feel as he began his slow torture of her making the others watch as he broke her bones and ripped her air out. He then lifted a huge rock into the air, getting ready to bring it down on her head. Just before it made impact, she had managed to wake herself up. Her head was throbbing, and she knew she would not be able to get back to sleep tonight so instead she lifted herself out of bed and threw on an oversized sweatshirt over her satin PJ shorts and vest top before making her way out of the room, Goose hot on her heels. She had obviously woken him up. "Sorry sweetie," she yawned as she made her way down the stairs to their dorm, going very slowly and carefully so to not make much noise. She didn't want to wake anyone else. 

Surprisingly the common room was quite warm, and the fire was still blazing. Whoever was last to bed must not be long away. She checked her watch to see it was 2.18am. She could see her Alchemy books still spread out on the coffee table from where she was revising the night before with Hermione and Draco. Draco had gone to bed first as she and Hermione continued on for an hour with Harry revising for Transfiguration on the sofa next to them. She had left the couple at about 11.45pm, and they had both said they would be right behind her, they must have ended up staying longer or maybe the elves put more wood on to keep the room feeling cosy. 

She went into the little kitchen the common room had and opened the cupboard taking out the first migraine managing potion in the little row. She opened it and set it on the countertop she also got herself out a glass and headed towards the sink to pour herself a drink. As she turned the tap her heard the glass move behind her. "Goose do not touch that vial," she warned. "It's not for Niffler's. I will get you a drink." She lifted the small cup off the sideboard and filled it too turning looking where her potion bottle was sitting. She had expected to see Goose standing there but he wasn't. "Goose?" she called in a low whisper. The little Niffler popped his head into the room. "You move fast. I have your water." She set the little cup down and Goose lifted it straight away downing it and handing it back to her. 

She then proceeded to lift her own vial and quickly drink the contents before her headache got decidedly worse. She could feel the effects instantly as she took a deep breath her headache clearing. "I love this stuff," she chuckled as she put the bottle into the sink, to wash out and dispose of in the morning. She headed back into the common room, about to head to bed when she shivered. A large gust of very cold wind blew past her making her jump in shock. The room had been so warm mere moments ago. She looked behind the stairs to see the balcony door open and a small flicker of light coming from the left side of the balcony as well as a giggle. She looked down at Goose. "I wondered why the fire was still blazing. Maybe Harry and Hermione are enjoying a romantic view from outside." 

She turned to head up to bed but stopped. Curiosity got the better of her. She did find it strange the couple would be out there at this time of night. She didn't want to interrupt but just check in case maybe they had gone to bed and forgot to close the balcony door. Goose jumped onto the window seat as Sloane pushed the balcony door open even further and stepped out into the cold night air. "Harry?" She called looking around. "Hermione?"

"Sloane?" A voice called back. She knew that voice anywhere. Her best girlfriend. "Sorry I needed fresh air, I am not feeling great. I am so sorry, did I wake you?" Sloane waited a few seconds to let her eyes adjust to the darkness and turned towards the source of the noise. Sure enough Hermione was standing on the balcony, a blanket wrapped around her and a cup of tea in her hands. 

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