105. My Stupid Mouth

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"So we have to put our trust in you two?" Jack laughed pointing between Sloane and Draco. "Great!" He rolled his eyes. Ginny was muttering as he spoke and he turned to her making sure Bill wasn't watching. "What are you mumbling You sound like a blinking freak."

Ginny batted her eyelashes at him and looked up. "I was just going over all the hexes that I have been taught the last few years. You remember Sirius Black?" Jack paled. He had heard that name alright. Harry may have worked hard to clear Sirius' name but there were some who still considered him to be as big a threat as Tom Riddle. "Yeah, he taught me all he knows. He was a good family friend. I spent a lot of time learning from him."

Even Arabella couldn't stop the smile on her face. She believed that these kids were a bit of a menace but she knew that they had been through enough to at least warrant a little bit of respect. Jack was huffing, something he did most days and it was getting on her nerves. He would do nothing but complain about the group and how they needed to learn their place and yada yada yada. At least Colson could talk about other things even if he was now terrified of Euan or whatever that was down in the foyer. Arabella had seen the creature with her own eyes and eys he was scary but she honestly believed that if they were to go down there they would be able to defeat him. They would have the element of surprise and they knew more than enough thanks to their training to take him on. But the Minister wouldn't hear of it. He said it was too dangerous. 

"Cute kid," Jack chuckled but Bill stepped beside him. 

"See this scar?" He pointed to the one directly under his eye. "This wasn't Fenrir, this was my darling sister when I wouldn't let her follow Harry, Hermione and Ron when they went off on the run. She is a vixen. You don't want to cross her."

"She is 5ft nothing. I think I will be alright," Jack folded his arms. Sloane and Draco could both feel the smugness radiating off him. Ginny was purple and had both Blaise and Ron holding her by her t-shirt knowing full well that she would devour the prat. Sloane wanted to kick him so hard between the legs that his grandchildren would feel the effects but Kinglsey was watching the group. 

'I would love to rearrange his face and give him donkey ears and a tail. He's acting like an ass he might as well look like one,' Sloane sighed and Draco chuckled. 

'Me too,' Draco chuckled. 

"Jack?" Arabella gasped. "Are you alright? What is happening to you?" Everyone turned to Jack who was standing now, his eyes wide in surprise and he was moving his hands slowly up around his head. Sloane had never seen anything like it. Jack's ears were the first to begin to move, stretching and growing upwards, sprouting fur and angling themselves into points, shooting straight up above the man's head before flopping down to hang around his face. The inside of the ear was pinkish fur and the outside was a dull grey. He gasped in shock and lifted his hand to his mouth but his eyes furrowed as his mouth was no longer in the correct position. In fact, to everyone else, they could see that Jack's facial features looked like they had melted slightly, all dripping downwards so his mouth was on his neck and his eyes were now located on his cheekbones, his nose hung off his chin. 

"What the fuck is happening?" Jack snapped and turned to Ginny. "What did you do?"

Ginny shrugged. "I didn't do anything. I was still trying to decide which hex to use." She looked around the room, slight panic on her face. "Honest it wasn't me."

'Sloane, baby?' Draco asked nervousness and amusement rang in Sloane's mind. 

'Oh shit!' Sloane gave an internal gasp. 'Did I do that?' She looked to Draco who was standing next to her with his mouth open. 

'I think you did. I mean you said you wanted to rearrange his face and make him look like a donkey. Those ears are definitely donkey ears,' Draco looked back to Sloane. 'I mean I may have helped, I was thinking that your idea was good.'

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