122. Where's Your Head At

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"Draco, you need to tell me what product you use on your hair," Blaise said quietly as they walked down the spiral staircase, fast but not exactly running as there were so many of them.

"Blaise," Harry rolled his eyes and Blaise turned to him.

"Well look at it yourself. It's shiny and smooth and it looks damn good since he stopped using grease to push it all back. Honestly he looked ridiculous at school," Blaise was smirking as he spoke. His intentions were to distract the boys but there was some truth to what he was saying. "He looks so much better now."

"This is what you boys talk about when you're about to head into battle?" Tina asked smirking.

"Just Blaise," Draco scoffed. "Then again he always was weird and more often than not, very inappropriate."

"Dude I just gave you a compliment," Blaise gasped. "You shock me with your mean words. I am shooketh." He held his hand dramatically to his chest.

"I will shake you if you don't focus," Draco said through gritted teeth. "Where's your head at?"

Blaise grinned and pointed to his face. "Money make is right here. And I am ready for battle. Thing took two of my gang so imma kill some of his."

Newt sighed in front of Draco. "This can't be easy for you Mr Scamander." Newt Scamander has given the last hundred odd years to caring for every single beast, creature and animal there is in the world. He was famous for it. He had a way of communicating with them all and they trusted him. So Draco wasn't naive and he knew this went against everything Newt believed in.

"Draco, it's Newt to you. You are practically family now as you and my great niece are soulmates," Newt gave a half smile. "And no this is anything but easy. I don't believe in killing so any reason. It's not in my nature to harm anything living thing. I would love to believe that I will get down here and I will be able to communicate with the creatures and get them to surrender without any fight or injury. If this were twenty years ago, I would have went down straight away and tried to communicate." He let out another sigh. "But I am an old man. I have seen quite a lot in my time and I know that this will not be an easy mission. Euan is too powerful now. Without the Blessed Fire he is invincible. And he will stop at nothing to each the revenge he believes he is entitled to."

"He has done some awful things," Draco nodded. "But if it were me. If Sloane were killed just because she loved me...well..." Draco didn't even want to think about it. "I mean I can understand his anger."

Newt shrugged and looked up at Draco. "I think that is a good quality to have. You can understand the enemy's point of view."

"Doesn't make me less angry that he has kidnapped the girl I love and wants to kill her. I mean I still hate him -"

"Of course you do," Newt chuckled. "But the fact that you can show anger and empathy is a good trait. It shows me that you are mature and incredibly decent. I know a lot of people are very discriminative when they think of you. Your past haunts you. And that's ok, it's a reminder of how far you've come and what you have accomplished. You have a past, we all do but it shouldn't define you."

"Exactly," Tina beamed. "Look at Newt, he was expelled from school."

"And Tina was once fired as an Auror," Newt laughed.

"And we fought...a lot. But now we are together and it's been quite the adventure," Tina said as she reached forward and placed her hand on Newts shoulder, which he lifted and kissed.

"Sloane and I fought a lot at the beginning of our relationship. Hopefully that means that we will be as strong as you are," Draco smiled. It was obvious to see the love between Newt and Tina. He would blush when she looked at him, and when he looked at her, her eyes would sparkle. They always stood very close together, usually Tina would have her head on Newts shoulder or her arm linked through his. Like a young couple in love, not like a couple married for over six decades.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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