32. Uprising

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After Sloane had left the hall, everyone turned to look at Ron. "Are you always such a tosser?" Blaise asked. 

Ron looked outraged. "What did I do? It's not my fault she is -"

"Ronald Billius Weasley, if you say emotional, I am going to give you a matching shiner on your right eye." Hermione warned as she went back to feeding Goose.

Ron gulped loudly. "Look, she didn't rat me out. Yeah, it's good. But come on. I didn't ask her to so why the fuck should I apologise?"

Ginny slammed down her fork. "Maybe because she saved you from getting expelled you asshole?"

"McGonagall wouldn't have expelled me. Come on. I am part of the 'Golden Trio'. She owes me -"

"Nothing." Harry said sounding offended. "She owes you nothing. You don't get to use the fact that you are mine and Hermione's friend as a get out of jail free card. We may have saved the castle but not without everyone's help. It was a group effort. Neville killed Nagini. A fucking Horcrux as it was about to attack you. He saved your life. Everyone who fought did so because it was the right thing to do. Fighting for a better tomorrow. We didn't have a choice. Kill or be killed. How dare you assume that just because you fought in the war, that you are somehow entitled."

"I didn't mean it like that." Ron defended. 

"Yes you did," Luna said shrugging. 

Ron looked at the blonde. "You too? I expected to be ganged up on by everyone else but not you Luna."

"Why? Because I am so out there that it is hard to imagine, I would fight for anyone or stand up for myself and my friends. I may be excentric Ron but even I know that what you did, was bloody awful and you should be ashamed." She scowled at him. "Drinking will not solve your problems. Drinking will not bring Fred back. And if he could see you now, he would be nothing but ashamed of you." That hit home with Ron. Even in his drunken state, he knew that Luna was right. Fred and George would both smack him silly if they saw how he acted today. Especially with Sloane. Suddenly, he felt ashamed. 

"I got to go," he said, standing up and heading out of the hall. He half expected Harry or Hermione to follow him, but they remained in their seats. 

"He's charming, really," Draco said after he left the hall. 

Harry sighed. "Usually, he is not such a git." 

"I will take your word for it," Draco responded. 


After dinner, the strange-looking group was leaving the Great Hall. It was 6.30 pm, and they knew that Sloane would be in the middle of her detention. At least she was supposed to be. Goose had wandered off through the castle, probably headed for the library. Draco made a mental note to check for him when he got back to the dorm. He didn't want to admit that he had a real soft spot for the little creature who called him daddy. They had headed up the steps, planning to head to the counsellor's dorm to wait to speak to Sloane, altogether when they heard a commotion coming up from the dungeon. 

It sounded like a child's high-pitched scream, followed by the sounds of laughter from students who clearly thought it was a prank. But when Filch ran into the Entrance Hall looking deathly pale and shaking, people quickly realised that something was wrong. 

"What the fuck?" The group turned to see Ron, who was sitting on the steps next to them, watching the commotion. 

"De.... Dem...Demon!" Filch screamed before falling to the floor having passed out. 

The colour drained from Draco's face and he looked back at the small gang. "Sloane," he and Hermione said together.

"She is in detention," Ginny shrugged before realisation hit her. 

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