44. Scars

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The following morning, Sloane was woken by the sound of a bang. She jumped up in alarm and hit her head on something above her. The bang was Blaise falling off the sofa. It seems like everyone ended up staying the night. And Goose just hopped from person to person, getting attention off everyone. "Ouch! Fuck that hurt!" Draco shouted. 

"Why were you leaning over me?" Sloane asked. 

"I must have moved in my sleep. Sweet fuck I think I bit my lip," he raised his hand to his lip as Sloane turned around. It was bleeding, very badly. 

Sloane took a closer look at it. She knew it was nasty and probably stinging like mad. But she also hadn't forgotten his remark yesterday. "Oh don't be such a baby! It's fine, it will stop bleeding in a second or two. Come on, I will get you a cloth." She made him follow her down the hall to the bathroom, where she made him sit on the toilet seat lid, as she leaned over to check his lip out more. "Sorry for that," she said. "I heard a bang and jumped awake. I didn't realise you were so close."

"It's OK. The stinging will stop in a minute or two. Sloane I want to -"

"Stop talking and I can heal it," she said suddenly. Truth was she could heal it while he spoke but she didn't want to hear what he had to say. She closed her eyes and held her hand over his lip. She waited, feeling the usual warmth spread to her hand and to his lip, healing the cut in a few seconds. "All done. Better?"

Draco touched his lip. "Yes, thank you."

"Hey I did it, it's only fair that I fix it." She shrugged. She threw the cloth he was using in her hamper basket and made to move past him. But he reached out and put his hands on her waist. 

"Sloane," he said in a quiet voice. 


"I want to apologise for being a jealous tosser yesterday. I should never have said that to you."

She looked up to him. "No, you shouldn't have. I appreciate your apology Draco but I am still -"


"Disappointed." She corrected. 

"Aw, that is even worse. Are you sure you don't want to be mad instead?" He smiled making her chuckle. "Look, one of the famous Sloane Sage smiles. I didn't think I would get one of them for a while." He bent down slightly to catch her eyes. "There you are," Draco smiled as she lifted her head. He moved in closer to her pulling her closer again. He looked down from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again and leaned in closer. 

And Sloane did not stop him. 

"Draco," she almost whispered as his lips were almost to hers. She could feel the tingle of the closeness. If he moved, he would be kissing her. And he was about to...

"Sloane?" Ginny called, and they jumped apart. Sloane looked down to see Goose, who had his arms folded and was smirking at the two students.

"Coming!" she answered before smiling at him and heading back out into the living room. 

"Madame Pomfrey sent you a note to head to the hospital wing so she can check your wounds, Draco too." Ginny handed the note to her.

"We better get ready," Draco said, standing behind her. 

"I need five minutes to get ready," Sloane said, running off to the bathroom to shower and put on her uniform. She was back in the room in four minutes. 

"How did you do that so quickly?" Blaise asked. 

"Magic," she winked as Draco came out of his room, with his uniform on and his book bag over his shoulder. 

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