112. Proud

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By lunchtime the entire school had heard about Sloane's little out of hours counselling session. Charles didn't make an appearance to the hall, probably off crying somewhere, licking his wounds.

"I heard that he still hasn't stopped crying," Ginny said proudly as she ate her sandwich.

"According to Madame Pomfrey he had to be sedated this morning as he wouldn't stop calling for his mummy," Daphne giggled. She and Theo had become a regular at the table during mealtimes.

Draco who had beamed with pride all day and declared to anyone who was taking about what happened that his girlfriend was 'badass!' Simply chuckled. "I would say he is in the hospital wing waiting for his balls to descend again." He high fived Blaise across the table.

Theo had been raging his missed it and sulked until Draco shared his memory with him so he could witness the amazing action for himself was crying with laughter. "Well I hope that's a lesson to everyone who tries to mess with you Sloane. You are a bloody national treasure."

Sloane honestly felt bad about what she did and could t believe she let her anger get the best of her like that. She also didn't want to talk about it so she shook her head and changed the subject. "How did the family take the big news?" She asked leaning in so no one would hear her. Daphne's eyes widened for the briefest of seconds and she looked down. "Apologies, I was being nosey. That's private," Sloane quickly said. "You don't have to tell anyone."

Theo took Daphne's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he shook his head. "Actually it wasn't bad at all," he smiled. "They were happy that the Minister told everyone. It mean that didn't have to lie and everyone has been very happy for us."

"Well that's great news!" Draco said clinking Theo's goblet with him. "And how is little peanott?"

"Peanott? That's clever!" Hermione giggled.

"It was Sloane," Daphne gestured to Sloane. "And baby is fine. My morning sickness is gone so I'm feeling loads better." She sighed and Sloane could feel the relief from both parents to be.

"That's good to hear," Ginny smiled. "Fleur said morning sickness was the worst!"

"Baby is doing well," Theo said proudly. "Perfect measurements and cooking nicely. We got to see a picture of him/her the other day. And apparently my mother had already began knitting."

"Your mother knits?" Blaise grimaced. He had met Mrs Nott before many times and she didn't seem like the knitting type.

"Apparently so," Daphne giggled.

"Well so long as everyone is alright and healthy," Harry said popping a crisp into his mouth.

"And are we still alright to come and see you this afternoon?" She rubbed her belly as she spoke and Sloane couldn't help but smile at the sight.

She nodded. "You're in at three."

Between everything going on with Euan and having guards around constantly, Sloane felt that her counselling sessions were more important now than ever. It gave her a sense of normality. Between each session she had a few minutes to herself and she found that this was her time to take a minute, remember to breathe and just relax. Think about things she didn't like thinking about when she was with Draco.

Being able to sense each other and hear what the other was thinking was a great gift, ninety percent of the time. But there were certain things she just didn't want to bother Draco with. Her grief was one thing. So much had happened recently as it reminded her that her parents and her brother were no longer around to see it. They never got the chance to meet Draco. To see her at Hogwarts , her mum would have loved that. They never got to know that she was now friends with Harry Potter or that she finally had a girl best friend who just so happened to be Hermione Granger. Her mum didn't get to see that her brother became Minister For Magic.

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