10. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

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Ron didn't come and visit Harry and Hermione for a full three weeks after they moved out the Burrow. He would walk out of the room when they came to visit and he even opted to work in the joke shop on Sunday during brunch to avoid them. He said it was to let George go over to spend time but they all knew that was waffle. He was huffing and no one could huff like Ron could. If huffing were a Wizengamot Sport, Ron would win the golden cup. 

Ginny wasn't as bad. She was more upset that they were leaving so abruptly than that they were actually leaving. Once Hermione explained to her the next day the real reason that they were moving out - to heal in their own way, Ginny knew she couldn't stop them or not support them. After all, since the battle, Harry and Hermione had done nothing but support her and her family. 

The first few days after the battle, Harry and Hermione basically took over the running of the Burrow. They cooked, cleaned, did the washing, fed animals and humans alike and they were the ones who orchestrated the rebuild of the Burrow. They saw to the Weasleys every need from brewing calming draught to sleeping potions to help them heal, they would sit and listen to stories of Fred and they organised the Memorial on their own when none of the family could bring themselves to do it. 

And they did them proud. 

So Ginny knew that she was being selfish in wanting them to stay. She knew they had gone above and beyond for them all without even having to be asked. They had been so busy helping the Weasleys to heal that they didn't get time to heal themselves. She knew why they wanted to leave and she knew it was the best thing for them both. But she had also got so used to Hermione and Harry being there day and night. If anything she maybe relied on them too much. So to make up for her 'Whiny Weasley behaviour' as she called it, she bought them a house plant and (unknown to her mother) a few bottles of Firewhiskey. She came to visit on the Monday after brunch and stayed right through until Friday when Harry and Hermione were going back to the burrow for dinner. By the end of the week, Ginny loved the fact that the two had moved out. She would visit regularly for dinner or drinks or a movie - or sometimes all three. 

Harry and Hermione loved having her over too. Mrs Weasley came on Tuesday to clean and to chat, Bill and Fleur came over on Wednesday for a visit and George was there on Thursday night with another two bottles of Firewhiskey and a cocktail concoction that muggles drank called a strawberry daiquiri, which quickly became a firm favourite. It felt more like home when they came to visit so often. They still felt like part of the family, but they had their own space. Harry could see why George decided to stay in the flat rather than move home after the war. 

It was a random Wednesday in August when Ron finally showed his face. Harry and Hermione were just sitting down for the evening in the living room after dinner. They were discussing what movie to watch - Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Back To The Future, when there was a knock on the front door. 

"You pick a film and put it in while I answer the door," Hermione said standing back up and heading out of the room and down the hallway. She knew it was a Weasley off the bat as she could make out the red hair through the glass in the door. And with the height it wasn't hard to guess who it was. Besides everyone else used the Floo or Apparated into the hallway. 

Hermione opened the door to see Ron, standing with his hands in his pockets and his head down. "Evening 'Mione," he said quietly. 

"Hello Ronald," she said politely not moving. 

"I came to apologise." He said finally looking up at her. 

Hermione sighed. Apologise for what? Shouting at them for leaving The Burrow? For moving out without him? For heading off to Malfoy and Zabini's trial? For how he spoke at the Ministry that day? For snapping at her constantly since the battle? For completely ignoring her unless he was snapping? The list seemed endless. "Well, there is no point in standing out there," she gave a half smile. "Come on in." She turned heading back down the hallway as Ron stepped into the house and closed the door behind him before shuffling after her and into the living room. He was shocked at just how different the house looked. It was bright and more open. It looked like a proper home now. No sign of the hideous portraits or damp walls. No odd decorations, mirrors, rugs and curtains. Everything was grey and cream. He hated to admit it but it was actually beautiful. 

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