42. Listen To Your Heart

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Hermione woke up that Sunday morning feeling...well, honestly, like she had a load lifted off her back. She had been so worried about finally talking to Ron that it was like a dead weight on top of her. She found herself always anxious and always wondering when would be the right time. She was very jealous of Harry and Ginny yesterday when they told everyone that they had broken up. They looked so carefree, and she just wanted to feel the same. The only problem was that her partner was not exactly as easygoing as Harry. Hermione had honestly thought that Ron would have gone off on one.  She was so relieved that not only did he feel the same, but he actually was the one to initiate the conversation. Hermione took a deep breath as she stood up. She was so excited and she needed to talk to someone. So, she ran out of her room and down the hall to Sloane's. She knocked once and heard a small "yeah?" and opened the door. 

She stopped in her tracks, however, when she saw Sloane lying across her bed, leaning into a still-sleeping Draco Malfoy. "Oops," Hermione whispered. Sloane opened one eye to see who was disturbing possibly the best night of sleep she'd had in a long time. 

"Hermione?" She asked groggily as she sat up. At first, she was a little confused by the look on Hermione's face but slowly, as her memory started to come back and she remembered the night before, she turned to see Draco beginning to stir. 

Draco opened his eyes to see Sloane sitting in the bed next to him. He sprang up to sit next to her. What the fuck? He thought before remembering that she took him in here to let him hear her music. He sighed in relief. Then he noticed Hermione smirking at them. 

"This is not at all what it looks like," he defended with his arms in the air. 

"What's not?" Harry said walking into the room with his toothbrush in his hand. He looked to see Sloane and Draco, still sitting on the bed together. "Were you about to do the walk of shame?" Harry smirked at Draco. 

"Absolutely not!" Draco snapped and ran his hand through his hair as Goose jumped up at the raised voice. He gave Draco a dirty look if possible and jumped onto the swing to read more of Jane Austin. Harry noticed that Sloane looked a little hurt by that. 

"Neither of us could sleep so we had a cup of hot chocolate and then I took Draco in here to listen to some muggle music. I was demonstrating why I didn't hear either of you knocking on my door yesterday." Sloane held up both headsets. 

"Of course, it is totally innocent," Draco defended. 

"Yes, we wouldn't want Draco's girlfriend to think something happened when it didn't," Sloane said to Harry and Hermione. 

Draco looked to Sloane. "Girlfriend?"

"Yeah, your girlfriend. The charming girl I met yesterday."

Realisation dawned on Draco. "Astoria?"

"That's the one. She would be heartbroken if she heard that he fell asleep on my bed. It was innocent but what teenage girl is going to believe that." Sloane looked to Hermione begging her to ease the situation. Hermione nodded slightly and opened her mouth when...

"You're dating Astoria Greengrass?" Harry asked impressed.

"You know her?" Draco smirked. There weren't too many guys that Astoria hadn't had at some point or so he was told. 

"Well, anyway Hermione you wanted to speak with me?" Sloane said wanting to steer the conversation away from where it was going. 

"Oh...em...yes, but -"

"Let's go to your room," Sloane said as she stood up. 

"Sloane, wait -"

"Honestly Draco, I don't want to get you in trouble. I won't mention anything. I promise." She smiled and took Hermione's hand heading out of the room. The girls darted into Hermione's room and flopped down on her bed. "Oh, Hermione, I am a bloody fool."

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