88. After The After Party

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The reception went onto the early hours of the morning. At one stage, Blaise and Theo managed to find Firewhiskey and Luna and Sloane had a bit of a mission impossible trying to keep Ron on the wine that Draco brought in (which was actually the elf wine). Ron at one point asked for a glass of Firewhiskey, so Sloane, thinking quickly offered to get him a glass and proceeded to add a potion to it, the only potion she had in her room at the time - one that was used to help restore her strength after healing someone. She had got it from Tina after she arrived. It wouldn't have much of an effect on Ron, but it tasted like pepper and smelly socks and after one sip, Ron went back to the wine. Sloane and Luna didn't drink for the rest of the evening, watching in case Ron either caught on to what he was drinking or wanted to try the Firewhiskey again. But thankfully he didn't and even though the elf wine had no effect on him, he still danced around and got the 'buzz' one would feel without any of the nasty (and in his case addictive effects).

So the group danced all night, laughing and singing their hearts out and for one evening managing to forget all about the terrors that currently haunted the school. For one night they were just like every other year 8 student. It was blissful. But by 3am everyone was feeling tired or in Harry and Blaise's cases very drunk. "I love you man," Blaise said leaning over Draco and hiccuping in between words.

"Yeah, sure Zabini," Draco grumbled. He was buzzed but not enough to not be annoyed by the drooling man hanging off him.

"I mean it!" Blaise smacked his chest. "I love you. You're a great guy and this -" he grabbed Sloane's waist as she walked past lifting her easily off her feet and swinging her around setting her in between the boys. "This little goddess is perfect for you." He turned to Harry. "Isn't she perfect for him?"

"Hm?" Harry smiled squinting to see them. "Who Sloane?" He smiled. "She is great! We adore Sloane. And she is perfect for Draco."

Blaise nodded vigorously. "You are perfect for him. Like I picked you out of a magazine -"

"Muggles sometimes do that you know," Harry said balancing on his heels and nodding. "Pick their brides out of magazines."

Draco and Blaise choked into their drinks. "I'm sorry what?" Draco gasped.

"Oh I know this," Sloane nodded. "I remember hearing about it before. "An ordered bride?"

Harry nodded. "Mail order bride," he corrected. "But yes, some blokes, usually the fat, bald and ugly ones who can't get women to give them a second look -"

"Because they know better," Sloane laughed.

"Yeah well when the guy is desperate, he can pick a woman out of a catalogue to marry. Usually they are from another country and don't even speak English. But it does happen....." He looked confused. "Why are we talking about this?"

"I think you and Blaise were agreeing that I was one of these mail order brides which would make Draco the ugly, fat and desperate man." Sloane laughed as Draco scowled.

"No," Harry shook his head.

"Draco's not fat," Blaise argued. " I love him."

"Get in line," Sloane said sticking her tongue out at him. "I saw him first."

"But I've known him longer!" Blaise protested.

"Known who longer?" Ginny squeaked coming to join them.

"I think Blaise and Sloane were fighting over Draco," Harry explained as Ginny passed him another drink.

"And I win because I have known him since he was in nappies," Blaise pouted.

"And I will still be with him, when he is back in them," Sloane added making everyone laugh. Draco was rolling his eyes but enjoying the two fighting over him.

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