69. The Heart Never Lies

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The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful. Besides when Astoria was finished getting a lecture from McGonagall and made a point of walking past Sloane and Draco, feeling pretty smug. She may be facing expulsion, but her father would soon fix that, and she had definitely thrown a spanner in the works between Sloane and Draco.

Or so she thought.

She just managed to walk past their corner when she saw Draco kiss Sloane and then, although she could not hear she could see his mouth moving to obviously say 'I love you' to that plain Jane no body. She was furious. She was sure that she would have broken them up with her stunt, even if it did backfire. He loved her? How could he love her? He was supposed to be Astoria's boyfriend. Her parents promised that they would talk to Narcissa about a courtship. Astoria always got what she wanted. Let's just say she went back to her unbuilt cot that evening feeling very sorry for herself.

The following morning, after breakfast, Draco and Sloane were called to the Headmistress' office by about 9.30 am. Sloane had no idea why she was being summoned, but she found herself outside the office door none the less. She felt a little underdressed in a simple black tank top dress with a white shirt underneath, and she was pulling at her collar when Draco knocked. "You look stunning, stop it," He chuckled as he kissed her head.

"Maybe I should have worn my hair up?" She said, fluffing her hair out. "Up is so much more sophisticated. Or worn proper heels and not my chunky Mary Jane's?"

"Stop stressing. I think you look sexy. Very sophisticated. Your style is always perfect, Sloane." He took her hands as the door opened.

"Come on in Draco, Sloane. Thank you for your punctuality." Professor McGonagall smiled. Narcissa was already in the room wearing a dress of deep purple and a black fancy coat over the top with black boots. Her hair was sitting in a half up half down do, and she looked perfect. Also in the room were a man and woman. The woman looked a lot like Astoria but had an older face and also wore less makeup. Sloane assumed this was Mrs Greengrass. She had a very friendly demeanour about her, though, and smiled to Sloane and Draco as they stepped into the office. The man, who Sloane assumed to be Mr Greengrass, looked down his nose at Sloane as soon as she caught his eye. He sat with his arms folded. This man was in his late forties as he had a large grey streak at either side of his temple. He had a goatee and wore a pinstripe very sharp looking suite. You could tell he did not want to be there.

"Would either of you like a drink?" Professor McGonagall asked as they sat next to Narcissa.

"No, thank you, ma'am," Sloane smiled as Draco shook his head.

"It is lovely to see you both after yesterday. How are you feeling, Sloane?" Narcissa asked.

"I am fine, thank you. I didn't get a great night's sleep. Yesterday's news was still a bit of a shock, but I am sure we shall have the issue dealt with soon enough, right Draco?"

"Hmm," he nodded.

"And then things can go back to normal." She smiled. "It has been... uncomfortable for us both. It's not something anyone is prepared for -"

"Least of all children," Narcissa nodded.

"Exactly, but we talked last night and sorted out a few things, and we are all the better for it." Sloane smiled.

Draco took her hand. "We will do the right thing." He said. He knew his mother was worried that he would try to play the hero and get hurt in the process. But he had too much to lose now, and he had no intention of trying to prove himself.

"Sloane, how are your counselling sessions going?" Narcissa asked.

"Very good," She smiled. "I am loving the position. Getting to meet new people and help them. It has been so uplifting." Mr Greengrass scoffed at this.

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