26. Bring Me To Life

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By Friday, Sloane had managed to have a session with everyone on her list. She found everyone to be great patients. Everyone bar Ron, who huffed for the entire session, and no matter how much Sloane tried to get him to open up, he wasn't having any of it. He wasn't rude, though, so Sloane was taking it as a win. Hermione had arrived with the patient files for her session with Slaone and was able to fill in the table McGonagall had asked for without giving away anything she was told in confidence.

She also added her notes.

By far, Luna was her most surprising patient. She was blatantly honest and was not afraid to speak exactly what was on her mind. Even if it was about sex and it was...quite a bit. Sloane left that meeting a little more flustered than she went in. The girl wanted to learn social skills, in her words be less Loony Lovegood and more just Luna Lovegood. But Sloane found her charming and didn't want to change one bit of her. She was refreshing to speak with.

Hermione was very much like Harry only instead of wondering about those he couldn't save, Hermione was stressing over things they may have missed, clues on Horcruxes, not figuring out Bathilda Bagshot was a snake. Lots of little things that she wishes she could change. She, too, needed some anxiety she had, cured, which was easily done.

Blaise, like Draco, wanted to know why Sloane lied and saved them. He wanted to apologise for attacking her and wanted to know how to make amends for all the horrible things he did during the last 7 years. Sloane could tell he was truly remorseful for all he did. After all, he had saved her in the end. 


"Draco, are you sure this is the house?"

"Yes, I am sure you idiot! The Dark Lord told me himself. This is where they have been staying since they came back to England. Now stop being a damn pussy and get your ass up here."

Blaise looked ahead at the tiny little cottage. Having been brought up in a home that had seventeen bedrooms he thought it was very strange that there were three people living in a home that was roughly the size of his bedroom. There were no lights on in the cottage. One would think no one was home, but they had been keeping tabs on the cottage all day. 

She was definitely home.

He felt bad for her. Their orders were to bring her in alive, to the Dark Lord as he needed her. Apparently this girl it seems may have something special about her. Blaise was not high enough in ranks to know what, but he knew that there was something. Otherwise, the Dark Lord wouldn't be wasting his time on her. 

Draco felt bad too. Not that he knew the girl, Sage or whatever her name was, but he knew that if the Dark Lord wanted her—it wasn't a good thing. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to stick around to find out why. 

Draco sneaked up to the side of the cottage. He wasn't going to waste time trying to unlock the doors—they were in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. No one would be around to hear her scream. The thought sent a shiver down Draco's spine. He fucking hated this shit!

"You ready?" Draco asked his friend. 

Blaise paled. "For this? Of course not! Just...let's do it."

"Stand back," Draco said as he raised his wand and pointed it at the side of the cottage wall. "Bombarda!" He shouted. 

The whole side of the cottage seemed to explode and break away. Dust and rubble flew every which way. 

Draco dusted off his suit and stepped into the cottage his wand at the ready. He had hoped to catch her off guard and the kidnapping would be quick and relatively painless. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side. 

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