51. My Girl

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"An Ceangalanam?" Narcissa gasped. She thought back to his growing up but shook her head. "No, it's impossible, we would have known."

"Not necessarily," Professor McGonagall said. "I mean, why would you? You would have assumed it was a birthmark."

Narcissa was holding both teen's wrists, examining the marks. They were undoubtedly identical. "This is...I mean we never... how could we...wow!"

"My sentiments exactly!" Kingsley said. He looked to be in disbelief. He was in shock, and yet his wife wasn't. "Did you know?" He asked.

Joanna nodded. "I saw her mark, just after she and Sawyer and their father arrived here. I thought it was a tattoo, but when she told me she had always had it, I began to suspect."

"Joanna helped me do a little research on what it meant. We never got to finish because of the war, and then I started school. I have one book," Draco took it from his pocket and handed it to Kingsley. Narcissa leaned over him as he began to flip through the pages.

"So how much do you know?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Not a lot," Sloane answered honestly. "That book gives the history behind it and talks about sharing powers, but that's really about it."

"I may have someone we can speak to who will tell us a bit more if you are interested?"

Sloane looked to Draco. "Please, Professor," he nodded.

Professor McGonagall sat herself against her desk. "Albus?"

Draco looked at the portrait on the wall to the left. A very large painting of a throne chair. The one that usually sat in the Great Hall. The portrait at first was empty but after another call from McGonagall, the elderly wizard popped into view.

"Apologies, I was in another of my portraits there, chatting to my sister and brother." He turned to look at the crowd. "Kingsley, my old friend. How are you?"

"I am good, Albus," Kingsley smiled. "It's wonderful to see you."

"And you, sir, and you. And Mrs Shacklebolt, a pleasure as always," he bowed.

"Good evening, Albus," Joanna smiled.

"And Narcissa, my dear. I have missed your correspondence."

"And I yours," She smiled. Draco had no idea his mother had corresponded with his old headmaster. It was odd.

"And Draco! My boy, it is good to see you. What year are you in now?"

"Oh...em...year eight sir," Draco smiles shyly.

"And Miss Sage, it is nice to see you again. That uniform still looks great! How are you settling in?"

"Very well, sir. I love this school."

Dumbledore beamed. "I am glad to hear it. I did hear about your attack. I am very sorry but I am glad to see you are on the mend."

"Thank you, sir."

"So what can I do for you this fine evening?" He asked, settling himself into his chair.

"Albus, we were wondering if you could tell us about Ceangalanam?" McGonagall asked.

"Oh, of course." He looked knowingly at Draco and Sloane. "It is said that those who are Ceangalanam share their soul with another. These beings usually have trademarks or birthmarks on their bodies that will match the person with whom they share a soul." Sloane listened very carefully. Draco moved to sit down and pulled Sloane onto his knee. Joanna and Narcissa smirked as Sloane blushed.

"This couple will have a bond greater than that of partners, lovers, or even the typical soul mates. This couple will share a connection. Feel what the other is thinking and feeling, share similar tastes and traits, and have an undying love that can not be broken." Draco squeezed Sloane. It sounded exciting to him. Having this bond. "This couple will always want to be together and work better as a team. Splitting them up would prove dangerous. They will build each other up, give each other strength, and be extremely protective of one another."

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