75. Uh Oh, We're In Trouble

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In terms of how safe they felt, the new surveillance helped in a way. The 8 of them were fully aware that the monster was still down there. Still under the school. Waiting. But at least they knew he wasn't on his way to get them. They heard from Bill a few days after that Monday that the parents, Aurors and Order had all now seen the thing for themselves and were more determined than ever to rid the school of him. Even Newt now agreed. And so the group simply carried on with their lives as best they could. They went back to classes, went back to a semi state of normality. Of course, it wasn't great with their new guard who stood outside their door every day. Sirius and Lupin were keeping them updated on what was happening and on each of the guards names each time there was a handover.

With classes resuming so did Sloane and her counselling sessions, Harry the duelling club and Hermione and Draco, their tutoring. It sounded silly, but Sloane loved her sessions, being able to talk to other people with every day normal problems. She helped a few first years who were struggling to adapt to Hogwarts life. She even managed to help a little boy, Albert, who lost his brother during the war, to come to terms with his 'new family dynamic' as he was now the only man in the house.

She was currently updating her notes, filling in details of a little girl in fourth year who was just in who had caught her boyfriend cheating on her. Poor girl spent most of the session crying, but Sloane reminded her there were plenty more fish in the sea and that she was worth more than that silly little boy's attention. She left feeling a bit perkier than she arrived. She had just put her file back in the cabinet when there was a knock on her door. She conjured more tea and coffee and replaced the used cup with a new one and opened the door to see Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass standing there. She smiled at them. "Hi girls," she stepped to the side. "Come on in. I wasn't expecting both of you."

"Sorry," Daphne smiled. "I thought I would tag along, if that is alright. I think Pansy needs a friend." She blushed as she sat down and pulled Pansy down with her.

"If I had known we were coming to the American freak I would have told McGonagall -"

"Nothing," Daphne sighed. "Because you knew it was Sloane you were here to see. Just stop it Pansy." She looked apologetically at Sloane who smiled politely back at her.

"First things first, do you want tea or coffee?" Sloane asked standing and lifting both pots. Both girls chose tea. "Help yourself to milk and sugar and I have biscuits here as well. I got the elves to give me more of those ginger ones Daphne."

"Oh Merlin bless you," she sighed. "They are about the only thing that calms my morning sickness at the minute." She blushed as Pansy snapped her head up.

"You told her you were knocked up?" Pansy gasped.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Will you stop calling it that Pansy?" She snapped but nodded. "And yes, I did. I needed someone to talk to."

"And you know that whatever you say to me is said in the strictest of confidence. I tell no one else. Not even a teacher or McGonagall unless it's something life-threatening," she explained. Pansy scoffed.

"I am sure you do," she mocked and turned to Daphne. "You know she probably went and told Draco straight away? I bet she tells him everything!" She snapped a biscuit out of Daphne's hand and took a large bite.

"I promise you I do not. Draco wouldn't want me talking about his sessions to anyone so he doesn't ask me about anyone else's. What is said in these four walls is between myself and whoever is in the room with me." Sloane shrugged. Pansy didn't have to believe her. She knew this session wasn't going to be easy as soon as she opened the door.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" Pansy said bitterly.

"He is," Sloane nodded. "But he has nothing to do with this," she gestured between the three girls. "This is a safe place for anyone who just needs someone to talk to."

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