117. Night Swimming

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It was so late at night that it was technically early morning and Theo Nott knew fine rightly that if he was caught outside at this time of night he would be skinned alive. But he needed the fresh air. His poor wife had been burning lavender candles and scented stays around their room to help her sleep and it was honestly making Theo feel sick.

Daphne had been moved into her own dorm room since Christmas. It gave her the privacy she deserved and with the weird pregnancy symptoms it meant she wasn't annoying fellow students with her restless legs and sciatica pains. Theo was delighted as he spent almost every night with her now. They were married after all so no one else seemed to have an issue with the arrangement. He was pretty sure the Headmistress even knew but she never said anything and until she did, he was going to keep sleeping next to his wife. Plus being with her meant that he could try and help her as much as possible. Whether it was sneaking to the kitchens to get her snacks or rubbing her feet, Theo was trying his best to be as helpful and considerate as possible. He never complained when she had for Professor Flitwick to charm a gentle breeze to blow around her every night while she was in bed sleeping. All night. Continuously. He said nothing about the coldness and simply wore the thickest pyjamas he could as well as two pairs of socks to bed every night. He said nothing about the random foods she would eat or the half-eaten sandwiches in the dorm from foods she had gone off or made her feel sick. He kept tight-lipped as he knew she was going through this huge and amazing journey. She was growing a tiny human, and she deserved to be pampered.

But every now and then, he would find himself unable to sleep because of the overwhelming lavender scent or the sub-zero temperatures and would simply slip out of the room, either heading off to his own room or out for a walk for some fresh air. Tonight was a night where he thought a quick walk around the lake and get some fresh air. He also thought it was a good idea to treat Daphne to some of the wildflowers that grew on the banks around the lake. He was taking his time, staying on the banks as they kept him hidden from view up at the castle, meaning he was less likely to be seen, even writing a little note for Daphne to add to the flowers.

This was the time when Theo allowed himself to panic about the future. Not that he wasn't excited about everything but he did worry sometimes. Would he turn out like his own father? Too busy with work and 'other commitments' (in terms of his father this was extramarital affairs and Death Eater tasks) to actually spend any time with his child. Would he turn out like his mother? More concerned with appearances and being seen by the right members of society that the only memories his own kids would have were sort of like the ones he had - balls and gala events where he would have to be on his best behaviour and if he set a toe out of line his mother would nip him in the arms and back to get him to behave (disciplining without being seen).

It was no secret that Theo hated his childhood. He was never allowed to play or behave like a child would, instead he was taught Latin and business and had to practice piano and violin for at least two hours a day each. He had to have perfect grades and had a private tutor who would spend hours a day rapping his knuckles if he got a problem wrong or wasn't working hard enough. He would then be dressed up fancy by the house elves and presented to his parents before dinner every evening. After dinner, he would have to play for his parents, whichever instrument they wanted before he would be dismissed and sent to bed. This was no childhood for any child, it was simply living. He hated every single day and he vowed that he would NEVER let that happen to his own kids. But that didn't stop him worrying that it would. He knew Daphne would be the most amazing mother. She cared about everyone and had the kindest soul. She would ensure that their kids enjoyed every second of the day.

He also worried about money. Everyone knew that his father was in Azkaban and, for wizarding families, when you are arrested and sentenced to long-term jail time, you have to hand over all equity and businesses and control of your money and assets etc to your eldest son, or spouse. Theodore Nott Snr fully believed that women were second-class citizens and just there to bear the children and be trophy wives, so naturally everything went to Theo. Unfortunately for Theodore Snr, his son had gained access to the money and assets and immediately put the deed for Nott Manor in his mother's name wanting nothing to do with it. He also has his uncle on his mother's side looking after the business until he graduates and can take up his rightful place. Theodore Snr wasn't too pleased to hear about the changes being implemented into his business, all of which were actually very beneficial. That was the worst part. His son had betrayed him by hiring anyone who was qualified not caring about their social or blood status and it had actually proved to be a success. Business was booming. Theo and his mother were both very pleased with that. The business was doing well and Theodore Snr was fuming.

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