90. Hush

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They were right, the group of adults said a quick good morning before asking them to follow them to Bill's office as there was something they needed to see. Professor McGonagall asked that Theo and Daphne come along to saying they were now 'just as involved'.

So as the rest of the school headed off outside, to Hogsmeade or back to their dorms or the library, the large group including Goose, headed out of the Great Hall and across the foyer into the security rooms opposite. Goose, now noticing Newt and Tina jumped from Sloane's shoulder to Newts who lifted his hand to scratch him. "Hello Goose," he smiled looking up. "It's good to see you looking happy and healthy." The little Niffler began quietly squeaking very fast. "I did, I thought she and Draco would be good parents." More little squeaks. "Well I am very glad to hear it." The Niffler then got lower as if whispering. "No change I'm afraid. Atticus still thinks he's in charge. Tried to fight Dexis the other day and I had to isolate him." Again more squeaks. "Do you want to stay?" He looked to Sloane and smiled as Goose waved. "Then I am happy for you all."

"You don't need the spell?" Draco asked amazed. Newt shook his head. "What did he say to you?"

"He asked how everyone was at home and then told me how much loves mummy, daddy and grandfather and wants to stay here where he is needed and gets to read," Newt smiled. "You are both obviously taking great care of him. He's healthy and very happy."

"We adore him," Sloane beamed as Goose put his hands out to her and she lifted him cradling him like a baby and he nuzzled into her and closed his eyes going to sleep as Draco stroke his fur. Newt was very proud of the couple and how well they had handled essentially having a newborn.

"So back to this," Draco sighed looking at the screens. Theo and Daphne had obviously not seen the screens before and were shocked and sightly horrified that the school was being so closely monitored.

"This is how you knew what we were up to yesterday?" Daphne asked the Headmistress who simply nodded. "I thought someone would have told on us or saw Sloane guide me blindfolded down the hall or something."

"What were you doing yesterday?" Joanna asked curiously as the door knocked and Molly and Arthur Weasley entered the room as well. "Why was she blindfolded? Were you alone?"

Sloane bit her lip as Daphne and Theo looked around the room. "We were having a celebration yesterday," Sloane explained. "And we were not alone, Bill chaperoned us and Tyler brought up the rear so no one got near us."

"A celebration?" Mrs Zabini asked smirking. "What was there to celebrate?"

Sloane looked concerned and wasn't sure exactly what to say next. But Theo spoke up. "Well, I don't believe it has become public knowledge yet, but during the summer, just before school started, Daphne and I, we got married."

Narcissa gasped and clapped her hands as Mrs Zabini smiled. "You are both married?" Narcissa squeaked. "That is wonderful. Did you not have a ceremony? I am a bit jealous I did not receive an invitation."

"It was always Daphne's dream to have a small and intimate wedding," Theo smiled. "And I wanted to give her the wedding she wanted. "So we only had a few friends," he gestured to the group. "And witnesses and that was it. Even our parents weren't there."

"Well I am sure Mr Greengrass was happy not to have to pay for a lavish party," Mrs Zabini rolled her eyes. "And if it is what you wanted my dear then I am delighted for you." She leant over and hugged and kissed both Slytherin's with Narcissa copying her actions.

"My sister is one for the extravagant party's, not me. Our wedding was magical!" She beamed.

"But what were the celebrations for yesterday?" Narcissa asked.

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