46. Hurt

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Sloane and Hermione stood in front of the room. Hermione was the first one to speak. "As students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry for the past 8 years, we have been through quite a bit. Maybe more so than most generations. We have seen true horrors in these halls."

Luna stepped forward. "A Defence Against The Dark Arts job that can't seem to be held for more than a year."

Harry then spoke. "A Basilisk in the underground chamber who killed a girl and petrified several, including Hermione.

"A diary that possessed Ginny into killing roosters and graffitiing the walls." Blaise sighed.

Draco then added. "An escaped convict who (innocent or not) managed to sneak into the dorm and hold a knife over Ron." He looked to Ron, who nodded.

Ginny went next. "A teacher who was imprisoned and a Death Eater took his place to try to kill Harry and turned Draco into a ferret." Draco paled.

"A bloody Ministry personnel who made the student's lives a living nightmare," Ron said.

Hermione spoke again. "Poor Ron nearly dying from a love potion followed by poisoned Meade - all in one night!" Draco flinched, and Sloane squeezed his hand. It didn't go unnoticed by Joanna or Mrs Malfoy.

"Or a boy who was forced to fix a cabinet so Death Eaters could get into the school and attack students, and teachers and kill the Headmaster, having been threatened and having no choice and nowhere to turn." Sloane finished.

"We know better than anyone that although this is a great school and as much as we all love being here, it is not one of the safest places. This past week, we have had a student head to detention only to end up attacked by a  creature or demon that took up residence in one of the abandoned classrooms." Hermione frowned.

Sloane looked up to see all eyes on her. "This corridor was concealed well, but the caretaker and I were very lucky to escape. Thanks to my friends who went on a rescue mission."

"There is simply too much castle for prefects and teachers to patrol. There is too much ground to cover, and it would be impossible to keep the halls safe, this way alone." Hermione explained. "So what do we do? What can we change to make Hogwarts a safer place for everyone?'

"We came up with a few ideas to get the ball rolling. All these things can be implemented safely and quickly into the school with minimal disruption to students' lives." Sloane smiled.

"Sounds intriguing," said Elizabeth.

Blaise handed out the reports they spent so much time working on yesterday. "Please bear in mind that these are only a few suggestions that we have thought of. I am sure that there are lots of other ways that this school could be changed to make it safe." He smiled.

When everyone had their booklet, Hermione spoke again. "So we thought the best thing to do would be to go through the issues one at a time. These are your copies, so feel free to write on them as you wish." Each member opened his or her book. Nicola had out a Quik Notes Quill, which was copying everything that the group said to reply later. Aloysius was sleeping from the looks of him, but everyone else seemed to be interested. 

"This school is a historical landmark," Hermione began. "Over the course of the centuries, it has helped shape the minds of young witches and wizards. Those who have gone on to become beacons of society. During its time in business, this school has struggled through wars and Dark Wizards trying to infiltrate it, just as they do the Ministry. We want to oppose a few measures to keep the school safe. Not only from outsiders but from the inside as well."

Sloane then spoke. "Like any school, muggle or magical, this school is known for bullying, fighting and kids, well basically being kids, getting up to mischief and having to regard for rules or dangers that their actions may bring." She looked at the panel members. "We are proud of our school, and we all love it here. What we are suggesting today can only help make this school better, making it an institution of learning, hope, and safety."

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