Monents before disaster

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Monday morning Logan sat on the couch in his and Rory's apartment reading the newspaper when Rory came out of the bedroom.

"Morning ace!" He smiled at her handing her half of the paper he was reading.

"Morning" she responded giving him a chaste kiss before going to get a cup of coffee.

"No class this morning?" He asked her as she sat down next to him.

"No but I have Econ with my grandpa later"

"Can I take you to dinner after or do you have to study?" He asked her

"I'd love that, just let me know what time and where we're going so I know how to dress"

The rest of the morning they read the paper, Logan did some work and Rory got some stuff done for the paper.

After eating lunch together in their apartment Rory started to get ready for class.

" so I was thinking Consiglio's for dinner, what do you think?" Logan asked Rory from the couch as she was about to leave.

"Well you know I can't say no to Italian" she answered before kissing him and leaving for class.


Logan was just about to start getting ready for dinner when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said raising the phone to his ear "ace are you ok? Are you crying? Slow down I can't understand you." He said panicking a little not knowing why Rory was calling him crying in the middle of her class.

5 minutes later he found himself rushing out the door headed for Yale New Haven Hospital.

He followed the red strip to the waiting room where Rory was sitting with Lorelai and Emily.

He walked over to Rory and gave her a tight hug. When they broke apart he greeted Lorelai and Emily and then sat down next to Rory.

Just then the doctor approached them.

"I'm looking for the family of Richard Gilmore"he said

"That's us" Emily responded

"Good, I'm Dr Bell I've been working on appears he has a heart attack. He's in the cath lab now to assess the damage so we can decide how to move forward" he explained

"Thank you" they answered together


Over the next few hours they sat waiting at the hospital and even got to visit with Richard a little before the doctor told them that Richard would need surgery.

Richard was in surgery and Logan sat with Rory in the waiting room while Emily and Lorelai went to find coffee.

"Ace are you ok?" Logan asked Rory snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What?...oh um yeah, I'm fine" she responded not looking at him.

"Ace look at me" he said gently tipping her chin up so she was looking at him.
"Something's bothering you I can tell"

"It was just so minute he fine, talking and walking and the next he was on the ground." She said with tears in her eyes.

Logan wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled into his chest.

"Everything will be ok...Richard will get through this and everything will be fine" he said quietly


Lorelai and Emily got back to the waiting room to see Rory sleeping on Logan.

"She's been up since early this morning I figured it was better to let her sleep" Logan explained and Lorelai just nodded

Just then the doctor came out to them with a serious look on his face.

"Is it bad news? I don't wanna wake her if it's bad news" Logan whispered to the doctor

"Wake her" Dr Bell said with a smile

"Ace wake up" Logan said quietly, gently stroking her hair

Rory sat up and the doctor started to speak.

"The surgery went better than we could have hoped" he explained and everyone in the room relaxed "he'll need to stay in the hospital for several days so we can keep an eye on him but he should be waking up soon and you can visit him when he does"

"Oh my god that's such a relief" Lorelai said after the doctor had left.

"I was so worried" Emily said

"Me too" Rory added "I never though he could look small. He's such a big man, he towers over people and I never thought he could look small, but today he looked small."

They sat in silense after that until a nurse came out to tell them that they could see Richard

Rory, Lorelai and Emily spent the next few days going back and forth between the hospital and their regular routines until finally Richard was discharged from the hospital.

More chapters to come soon!
Please comment letting me know what you think and what you'd like to see happen!

Xoxo abigail

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