Grandma knows best

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April 9th 2010

"Where are you going?" Logan asked Rory, who ran passed him, going up the stairs of their now empty apartment, holding Elle

"Spit up" Rory said

"Their stuff is down here!" He reminded her

"Oh yeah" Rory came back down the stairs, and grabbed a clean onesie for Elle from a duffel bag

"Are you ok?" He chuckled

"Just tired. It's early" she said, changing Elle

"Maybe leaving at 6 wasn't the smartest idea we've had" he laughed

"Yeah, well I want to get as much unpacked as we can before we go to sleep tonight"

"Well Luke set up all the furniture for us last week, so we just have to move everything to where we want it and unpack" Logan said


"Do we want them sleeping in separate rooms when they stop sleeping in our room?" Rory asked, standing in the middle of one of the connected bedrooms

"Why not?" Logan asked

"Because of one wakes up in the middle of the night she'll wake the other" Rory pointed out

"Oh... maybe separate rooms, then" Logan said "I'll move one of the cribs into the other room"

"Thank you"

A few hours later, Logan and Rory had unpacked almost everything, the babies were asleep and they were cuddled up together in their new bed.

"I like this house" Rory sighed

"Me too" Logan agreed "goodnight, Ace"

"Good night"


"Emily" Logan said, opening the door, the next morning

"Good morning, Logan" Emily said "good morning Lorelai" she said in baby talk, to the baby Logan was holding

"Come on in" Logan opened the door further "did we know you were coming?"

"No. I thought I'd surprise you" she told him "the house looks great"

"Thanks" Logan said

"Is Rory home?"

"She's upstairs, giving Em a bath" Logan told her "we had an incident this morning with a bottle lid" Logan sighed

"Sounds like you had an eventful morning" Emily said

"That, we did" Logan chuckled "can I get you anything? Coffee, water..."

"Coffee would be lovely"

A few minutes later Rory came down the stairs with Emilia

"Logan?" She called out

"Kitchen, Ace"

"Grandma?" Rory said, surprised, when she walked into the kitchen to see Emily sitting across from Logan at the table. Elle on Logan's lap.

"Hi Rory" Emily said

"Did I know you were coming?" Rory asked

"No, I just thought I'd see how you guys were settling in" Emily said "when do you start work?

"A week from Monday" Rory told her

"And you Logan?"

"Same" Logan said "or later if we decide not to use the daycare at the times and we need time to find another one"

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